Newest Era

Conference: Living Heritage & Sustainable Tourism

Organised by
UNESCO Chair in ICT (CH)
consultancy Elgin & Co. (NL)

The Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality 4th International Conference will again bring together researchers, practitioners and policy makers to discuss the leading question: How to succeed in attracting tourists while simultaneously engaging all stakeholders in contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage?

Conference Review: 11th Experimental Archaeology Conference - EAC11, Trento 2019

Caroline Jeffra (NL) and
Jilian Garvey (AU)
EAC Conferences
***The 11th Experimental Archaeology Conference was this year held in Trento, Italy, organized by EXARC and the University of Trento. Over 190 participants gathered together hailing from more than 25 countries, and for the first time the conference ran parallel sessions. The conference spanned three days...

Conference Review: Archaeological Open-Air Museums: Reconstruction and Reenactment – Reality or Fiction?

Alessia Pelillo (IT)
An amazing golden Autumn day greeted us on our first visit to Trzcinica, South Eastern Poland, where last October Terramara Park representatives had been invited to the conference “Archaeological Open-Air Museums: Reconstruction and Reenactment – Reality or Fiction?”. It was an honour to have be selected by the Polish colleagues of the Carpathian Troy Archaeological Open-air museum, and ...

How to Communicate an Event to the Media

Martine Sarfati (FR)
In 2018 a very important event took place in Russia that had worldwide impact: the Football World Cup. I'm French and we won! But aside from patriotism, the craze for this extremely popular sport can be largely attributed to the media. Without them, such an event could not have achieved such a magnitude of success. The World Cup has been explored by the media from all angles: fashion, science...

Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke (DK)

Member of EXARC

We are in the dramatic year 1864. The Battle on the 18th of April was the most bloody in Denmark in the Newer Era, the last big battle on Danish soil. Denmark is at war with the large powers of Europe: Prussia and Austria.

We are in the dramatic year 1864. The Battle on the 18th of April was the most bloody in Denmark in the Newer Era, the last big battle on Danish soil. Denmark is at war with the large powers of Europe: Prussia and Austria...

REARC 2019

Organised by

This year the REARC meetings are scheduled for October 25th and 26th in historic Fredericksburg, Virginia. We are excited to announce that the Department of Historic Preservation at the University of Mary Washington will host Friday presentations.

X-Ray Tomography and Infrared Spectrometry for the Analysis of Throwing Sticks & Boomerangs

Luc Bordes (FR)

In 2009, confronted to the study of throwing sticks collections from several museums and private collections (including more than three hundreds artefacts) and the need to evaluate their aerodynamic and functions, I developed a throwing stick classification and a methodology to measure their characteristics (Bordes, 2014). This approach is complementary to the gathering of ethnographic or archaeological contextual data to confirm or invalidate hypotheses about theirs functions. 

Dr Cozette Griffin-Kremer

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
griffin.kremer [at]
Crafts & Skills

Associate Researcher at the Centre de Recherche Celtique et Bretonne with a doctorate in Celtic Studies (Université de Bretagne Occidental) and an advanced degree in the history of techniques (EHESS, Parsi), I try to combine archival sources, including literature, with hands-on inquiries into tec

Win Scutt

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
win.scutt [at]
United Kingdom
Crafts & Skills

I am an archaeologist working as Properties Curator for the West of England at English Heritage.