Newest Era

Popularisation of Experimental Archaeology in the Activity of Harjis - Project under the Patronage of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Lodz (PL)

Katarzyna Badowska and
Wojciech Rutkowski (PL)

What is The Society of Experimental Archaeology Harjis?

Our group, the Society of Experimental Archaeology Harjis has been informally active since 2009. In our first active years we focused mainly on the popularisation of archaeology. For the last three years the primary direction of our activities concentrated on widely understood experimental archaeology. Thanks to this attitude we have gained the official patronage of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Lodz.

Experience and Discovery: Engaging the Public in Research. A Survey on Experimental Archaeology Contemporary Practice and Meaning – Preliminary Results

Lara Comis (IE)


The traditional way of engaging the public with the past has changed. Archaeological and historical heritage is not exiled anymore to an inaccessible showcase. Now it is possible to have a direct, physical contact with the “past” through a wide number of activities and locations, among which Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAMs) are the most utilized. But, as researchers are aware, the means used to engage the public are the fruit of an active process of investigation, especially in experimental archaeology.

Taking Archaeological Concepts outside the Social Science Class in Indian Schools

Smriti Haricharan (IN)
In Indian classrooms, social sciences receive disproportionately less attention than natural sciences and mathematics (Dahiya, 2003; Lall and House, 2005; Roy, 2017). History features within the social science textbooks in India, and is perceived as boring and uninteresting by school children (Roy, 2017; Dahiya, 2003); archaeology is taught as part of the history lessons and is most often not seen as...

Archäologisches Landesmuseum Brandenburg (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Brandenburg State Authorities for Heritage Management and State Museum of Archaeology (BLDAM) is a state authority established by and directly supervised by the Brandenburg State Ministry of Culture and Science.

The mission of the BLDAM is the fulfilment of the public service remit for preservation and dissemination of the archaeological and historical heritage of the federal state of Brandenburg.

Re-opened in 2008 the State Museum of Archaeology is an extracurricular place of learning and the most important cultural ambassador of the state Brandenburg.
It presents the 130 000 years old history of the state in an innovative, interactive and modern exhibition. 

Conference Review: Hands on History ReConference, 2-4 November 2018

Helen Bowstead Stallybrass (UK)
Copenhagen 2 November, and a warm welcome received at the National Museum in Copenhagen. What better way to start a conference than with colouring flags and glitter? Well, it certainly was a great icebreaker for an international conference on re-enactment, for people from all over the globe speaking several different languages. Being asked to write a review, I wondered how best to approach this...

Interview: JAPKE – The Female Viking Power-house of Lejre

Christine Sonne-Jensen (DK)
Jutta Eberhards has been working with drama and living history for over 30 years. Born in the Friesland district in Germany, Jutta has over the years become a power-house in the management group of Sagnlandet Lejre – The Land of Legends ( She has been tirelessly working to uphold the standards of the educational method that she and her colleagues developed...

Symposium: Reconstructions of the Past

Organised by
Stichting Archaeological Dialogues
the Netherlands

How do we make them and do they matter?

  • Venue: Leiden University, Pieter de la Court Gebouw (Wassenaarseweg 52, Leiden, the Netherlands), zaal SB11
  • Cost: €25
  • Registration deadline: April 10th

Archaeology studies the past through material remains of this same past, but these material remains only go so far.