Newest Era

Association for Protection of Heritage, Archaeology and Museums of Vila do Conde (APPA-VC) (PT)

The aim of APPA-VC is to study, protect and disseminate local heritage through research, conservation, excavation, management of archaeological sites and education. We are a group of professionals of archaeology, history, conservation, architecture, psychology, sculpture and biology acting specifically on Vila do Conde city's Heritage.

The aim of APPA-VC is to study, protect and disseminate local patrimony through conservation, excavation, management of archaeological sites and education. We are a group of professionals of archaeology, history, conservation, psychology, sculpture and biology acting specifically on Vila do Conde city's patrimony...

Event Review: EXARC at the Times and Epochs Festival, Moscow, Russia

E. Giovanna Fregni (IT)
In August 2018, members of EXARC participated in Moscow’s Times and Epochs Festival for the third year . The annual festival is held on park boulevards that surround the inner city, providing an ideal green space for reenactors to recreate various periods of Russia’s history. The main sites were located in Tverskaya Square, Nikitsky, Passion and Tver Boulevards, on Kamergersky Lane and Profsoyuznaya Street...

Experimental Archaeology: Who Does It, What Is the Use?

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
In two surveys, several people working with experimental archaeology explained what they believe is experimental archaeology. They also described their activities. We asked universities, societies, freelancers and museums. Several adjacent activities are discussed, like archaeotechnique, making reconstructions and life experiments. After some confusing and clarifying examples, the future of ...

Experimental Archaeology in the Scottish Highlands

Susan Kruse (UK)
Over the past year, Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH) has been running a series of experimental archaeology workshops in the Scottish Highlands. ARCH is a non-profit educational charity, providing learning opportunities inside and out for all ages, always with an eye on the legacy of the event. Our experimental archaeology project was a good example of this approach...

Early Efforts in Experimental Archaeology: Examples from Evans, Pitt-Rivers, and Abbott

Carolyn Dillian (US)
Experimental archaeology formally began more than 150 years ago with attempts in replicative flint knapping by well-known archaeologists such as Sir John Evans, Augustus (Lane Fox) Pitt-Rivers, John Lubbock, and Sven Nilsson (Coles, 1973). These individuals sought to discover how stone tools were made in order to better identify archaeological artifacts as the products of human manufacture and to understand...

Current Trends in Annual Historical Re-Enactments Events in Catalonia. Uses of Cultural Heritage

Antonio Rojas Rabaneda (ES)
The project “Re-enactments events in Catalonia” seeks to identify and analyse annually occurring events that make use of cultural heritage and history for the purposes of tourism, economic promotion and dissemination, and for other festive, recreational or educational ends. The activity programmes of all active events currently held in Catalonia were analysed and quantitative data provided in order to...

Conference Review: Once upon a Time... in Kernave

Magdalena Zielińska (NL)
And so EXARC met again, this time in Lithuania, in Kernavė – an early medieval capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This picturesque village was the location for the conference “Archaeology for the People” which EXARC co-organised with the State Cultural Reserve of Kernavė and with IMTAL-Europe. The Reserve of Kernavė is an old member of EXARC. IMTAL-Europe is a long-time cooperation partner of EXARC...

1864: the Battle for Als

Organised by
Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke (DK)

It rumbles and roars and smells of 1864 history in Sønderborg this weekend.

Friday afternoon from 15:00 to 18:30 in Sønderborg city you can experience a parade with beautiful uniforms and historical costumes, play with toys anno 1864 and enjoy a delicious 1864 dish at one of the cafés in the city center.