The annual conference on experimental archaeology in the German language part of Europe, organised by EXAR, took place in the Roman Museum and Park Xanten. Approximately 100 delegates witnessed 20 papers and posters on various subjects like ‘Opus Caementitium’, burning out canoes, the scientist, message & the visitor and prehistoric beekeeping. The conference is very laid back, the prices very low and the hosts (EXAR and LVR Museum Xanten) had done their very best to make everybody feel well.
A good habit was the presentation of last year’s proceedings – amazing how they get to publish such a book of over 250 pages within 12 months! Next year’s conference will be held near Lake Constance, in the very south of Germany. If you want to know what experimental archaeology is happening in and around Germany, go there!
100 experimental archaeologists in Xanten (DE)