
liveARCH (INTERREG 4C) became liveARCH (Culture 2000)

In September 2005, it became clear, the best option to apply for EU funding for the liveARCH idea was not to wait for INTERREG 4, but to join Culture 2000 with a 3 year project. One of the limits of Culture 2000 was the number of participants: maximum 8. After 2 weeks, our liveARCH project counted 8 candidates. We hope to be able to have more EXARC members join the project and its activities as affiliate partners. By the 28th of October, an application of almost 5 kilogrammes was sent off to Brussels.

The eight co-organisers are:
Historisch OpenluchtMuseum Eindhoven (leader) (NL)
Lofotr - the Vikingmuseum at Borg (NO)
Foundation Fotevikens Maritima Centrum (SE)
Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (DE)
Araisi Lake Fortress Foundation (LV)
Matrica Múzeum és Régészeti Park (HU)
Comune di Modena - Museo Civico Archeologico Etnologico (IT)
The Scottish Crannog Centre (SC)