The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) is a large organization, supporting 21,000 museums, individuals and companies.
Mid May, the AAM held its annual conference, in Baltimore. More than 5,000 people, including over 460 from 50 different countries joined. The theme fitted well with EXARC: “the power of story”. ICOM planned an information stand at the Museum Expo, explaining about their worldwide museum network and invited EXARC to take part in it. For the thousands of museum professionals we made a custom fit flyer explaining about EXARCs members, our websites, the EXARC Journal, the marketplace and of course our four legs. As we do more often, we offered the conference delegates online access for a limited introductory period. EXARC has several US members already; even one of our Board members is American. Conference delegates were interested; we thank ICOM for giving this opportunity to be in the spotlights of the American Museum World!