
EXARC at FSW Volunteer Fair

On October 30 we were part of Volunteer-fair for students. One of our members - Matilda Siebrecht - gave a short pitch about EXARC and we talked with the students afterwards. EXARC has several vacancies, see here. Let us know if you are interested in any of these options, email us at any time!

You are welcome no matter how much or little time you have, you do not commit yourself for any longer than you wish. Most of the work you can do from home, but of course we offer the chance to be in close contact with the rest of the EXARC Team. It is nice if you have affinity with museums, but you do not need to have much more than that. As a volunteer you work in a very international environment with us. This is a good opportunity to improve either your English or your Dutch. 

What is EXARC?

EXARC is a vibrant, dynamic, growing international cultural heritage network with 350 members in 40 countries. Members include over 100 museums (with an audience of about 5 million people annually), 200 freelance cultural heritage professionals working with those museums, 12 universities and 31 associations. 

EXARC’s mission is to make the archaeological past widely accessible. It does this through creating opportunities for researchers and practitioners to collaborate, exchange information, and share best practices in archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology research, and educational and presentational tools and demonstrations of cultural heritage.

EXARC is a charity association, registered in the Netherlands. 

See for full details Volunteer Job Openings / Vacancies