
EXARC Journal 2019-4 published

EXARC just published its 4th Journal of 2019. All is open access.
With 2019-4 issue we concluded our 2019 publications - totaling 82 articles.

Its 20 articles include first six contributions from the 11th Experimental Archaeology Conference, #EAC11, in Trento (check the Proceedings of the 11th EAC conference, Trento, 2019(link is external)) - but we expect to publish more of that in the near future.

Further we have some thoughts on working with Artisans, AR & VR in Archaeological Open-Air Museums, articles on Arrowheads, Stone Axes, Slings, the Replication of Archaeological and Ethnographic Māori Textiles and several conference and book reviews.

Special attention goes to The Pallasboy Project (see photo), which investigated Irish Iron Age Find and questioned every detail: Is it a boat? A trough? A wine cooler? A crib?

In the next few days we will submit it to the DOAJ, and the Royal Dutch Library.