
EXARC & MAMUZ Meeting: Archaeology & Tourism

EXARC, jointly with long-time member Urgeschichtemuseum MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya, will organise an international conference near Vienna, Austria 25 - 27 September 2015. Theme is “Archaeological Reconstructions and Tourism”.

With publications like “From Stonehenge to Las Vegas” (Holtorf 2005) and “The Plastic Venuses, Archaeological Tourism In Post-Modern Society” (Melotti 2011) it has become clear that archaeological reconstructions have found their way to the mainstream public. It is not anymore about carefully made “authentic” reconstructions in a showcase or open-air museum context, we are talking about product placement, supporting modern messages with archaeological imagery, about archaeology lending its face to commerce. Where does this end, and when does it turn bad for archaeology? Or are we happy about (any)role in society, as “they” are the ones who pay “us”?

More information will follow in due time. Please mark the dates!