
Join EXARCs Citizen Science Project

EXARC is excited to share that we are planning our first citizen science project. This challenges community interest in open-air museums and the quality experiences for communities and families around museum locations, most of which are in suburban areas and small towns. We hope the project will build strong community interests in open-air museums. 

EXARC is now looking for partners (members and non-members) to help develop the project or join the group. 

Our aim is to collect, maintain and showcase information on items, people, locations in, out and surrounding archaeological open-air museums through bringing regular student visitors and engage them in various activities in their local museum. Participants can partake in various citizen media activities (take pictures and write, draw or sing) about the museum environment. This can include buildings, activities, and stories in and around the museums. Participants can also do interviews and record information in their own ways: journals, interviews, and art. Local schools and other cultural/ education organizations can join as well. 

There are many youth and students who are enthusiastic. They would love to help out and be involved in museums as they link their education with outdoor activities and the history/archeology of their communities. Students need to have opportunities to learn about local history and build connections and consequently be responsible for the preservation of their heritage.   

The project will consist of a certain number of regular participants (aged 12-18) with a target of 2-3 visits per month in the span of 6 months initially after which we hope to evaluate and further develop this project. We intend to kickstart a pilot project with at least 3 museum participants. These figures can be adjusted according to each museum, its capacity, and needs. 

The reward for the participants will be a promotion that may include a season ticket or a discounted entry to their local open-air museum. Their participation can also go toward their community service hours. In turn, participants will become stakeholders of the museums. Frequent visits will build memories and allow the students to engage with their surrounding archeology. 

If you are interested to join us, Don’t hesitate to contact us at: sends email)