Bronze Age

Washington College - Department of Anthropology (US)

Member of EXARC

Washington College offers unique opportunities for exploring anthropology, or the study of human nature and human society. Courses focus on evolution and societal development, traditional ecological knowledge, environmental anthropology, experimental archaeology, and archaeological ethics. Areas of focus include the Chesapeake Bay region, Mesoamerica, and the Southeastern United States.

Washington College offers unique opportunities for exploring anthropology, or the study of human nature and human society. Courses focus on evolution and societal development, traditional ecological knowledge, environmental anthropology, experimental archaeology, and archaeological ethics...

Theresa Emmerich Kamper PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
theresaemmerich [at]
United Kingdom

I am an avid practitioner of traditional living skills and primitive technology of all kinds and have followed this interest into the academic field of Experimental Archaeology, in which I hold an MA in Experimental Archaeology and a PhD on the ‘Microscopic Analysis of Prehistoric Tanning Technol

From the Minutes of “Universities & Experimental Archaeology” Roundtable Discussion 7th May 2014

H. Steane Price (UK) and
R. Paardekooper (NL)
EXARC, Experimenta and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid invited several universities to a round table meeting in Madrid, in May 2014. EXARC's aim was to bring colleagues into one room to share their experiences in handling experimental archaeology from an academic perspective...

Event Review: Food Workshop in Archeon at the OpenArch conference 2013

Rüdiger Kelm (DE)
OpenArch Dialogue with Skills Issue
***Food and drink are basic needs for every human being. From the perspective of our modern culinary practices, with all its specialities and customs, the traditional cuisines, and especially the pre- and protohistoric dishes, seem not only very far away, but also very primitive and have a negative connotation...

Freilichtmuseum Heuneburg - Keltenstadt Pyrene (DE)

Member of EXARC

The open-air museum Heuneburg Keltenstadt shows reconstructed buildings on the Heuneburg plateau. The Heuneburg itself is a prehistoric hill site at the upper course of the Danube between Ulm and Sigmaringen. It is one of the most well-known Celtic sites in Central Europe. The main occupation was during the 6th century BC., when a Celtic prince site was located here. The hill fort was surrounded by several burial mounds containing luxurious grave goods. Based on the results of current research projects the Heuneburg may be correlate with the Celtic city Pyrene mentioned by the Greek author Herodotus.

The open-air museum Heuneburg Keltenstadt shows reconstructed buildings on the Heuneburg plateau. The Heuneburg itself is a prehistoric hill site at the upper course of the Danube between Ulm and Sigmaringen. It is one of the most well-known Celtic sites in Central Europe...

To Use or Not to Use a Minoan Chisel? Ancient Technology in a New Light

Maria Lowe Fri (SE)
7th UK EA Conference Cardiff 2013
***The Minoan chisel is thought to have been used by the metal worker, the stone mason, the sculptor, the carpenter, and the ivory and bone worker. However, barely any work has been conducted to substantiate the different workers and their chisels...

Janet Stephens

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
jntvstp [at]
Crafts & Skills

I am a professional hairdresser and experimental archaeologist specializing in the recreation of ancient Roman, Greek and other archaic hairstyles. I use period appropriate tools and techniques and live models.

Book Review: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences by L. Shillito, E. Fairnell and H. S. Williams (eds)

Katy Whitaker (UK)
A set of eleven articles resulting from the call for papers for the Sixth UK Experimental Archaeology Conference (held in York in January 2012) is now published in a special issue of the Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences...