
Flint Knapping Course with Witold Migal


Join lithic expert Witold Migal of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw, Poland for a hands-on workshop. You will be able to find proper raw material for making stone tools and understand their use. Experience different knapping methods such as direct percussion with a hard and soft hammer and the basics of the punch and pressure technique.

Bacrie & Krivolik (CZ)

Member of EXARC

The association Bacrie was formed in 2007 from fans of history and archaeology. Its aim is to present and popularize prehistoric history on the territory of the Czech Republic.
The association deals with the life and technology of hunters, first farmers, bronze metal smelters and first ethnic groups – Celts, Germans or Slavs. Bacrie is engaged in research activities and its main project is the building of the Prehistoric settlement Krivolik – archaeological open-air museum and an experimental archaeological center.

Krivolik shows the development of human history, from the advent of modern man (Homo sapiens sapiens) (36,000 BC) up to the Early Middle Ages (900 AD). It goes about the main parts of our history – the culture of mammoth hunters, the transition to agriculture (Neolithic Revolution) and the beginning of metal processing. At the end of prehistory we have the first written report on our territory; we know the first names of the tribes and the rulers of some events.

Basotho Cultural Village (ZA)

Member of EXARC

A visit to the Basotho Cultural Village, which nestles at the foot of huge sandstone mountains in the Eastern Free State, will give you a deeper insight into the lifestyle of the South Sotho from the 16th century to the picturesque present. The Basotho Cultural Village is part of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park.

The Village regularly hosts art exhibitions as well as live stage performances at the sandstone amphitheatre. Here are also traditional dance and music competitions sure-casing local talent in cultural music by school children and community groups. The art gallery boasts work of local artists and a permanent photographic exhibition of the building process of the village and litem' art in the Eastern Free State.

Rock Art Tattoo

Organised by

The exhibition “Rock art tattoos” aims to highlight tattoos inspired by rock art around the World. The content in the exhibition is produced in its entirety by people kind enough to share their tattoos and stories with us.

District Museum Day


The "Zeiteninsel" in Weimar-Argenstein invites you to come and get to know the past with all senses! Visitors of all ages will get to know various different and exciting technologies ranging from the Stone Age till the Germanic people of the first century. There will be hands on activities for children and living history will provide a glimpse into times thousands of years ago.

Prof. Robert Thornton

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
robert.thornton [at]
South Africa
Crafts & Skills

I am a retired Professor of Anthropology at University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and now "Research Associate". My previous work has been in cultural anthropology and medical anthropology (The Iraqw of N.

Barbara Klessig MA cand. PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
bkk4 [at]

I teach experimental archaeology in the Anthropology department at Humboldt State University, California. The labs and classes provide student insight into past technologies, helping them recognize the tools and evidence in the field.

Dr Sonja Guber

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
Sonja.Guber [at]
Crafts & Skills

Since 1995 I am interested in archaeological open-air museums, living history and hands-on activities in order to get people excited to learn about and experience prehistoric times.

Aktopraklık Höyük Açıkhava Müzesi ve Arkeoloji Okulu (TR)

Member of EXARC

The Aktopraklık Höyük Open-Air Museum and Archaeology School is run by the Istanbul University Department of Prehistory. The foundation of this cultural heritage management project is the archaeological evidence from the excavation conducted at the prehistoric mound of Aktopraklık.

The Aktopraklık Höyük Open-Air Museum and Archaeology School is run by the Istanbul University Department of Prehistory. The foundation of this cultural heritage management project is the archaeological evidence from the excavation conducted at the prehistoric mound of Aktopraklık...