Early Middle Ages

ICMAH 2020

Organised by
ICMAH - ICOM Colombia

In the last few years, ICOM and its members have reflected upon the following difficult issues. In 2017 the subject for the international museum day was Contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums, and this year it is going to be Museums for equality: Diversity and Inclusion.

Experimental Study of Byzantine Chafing Dishes

Georgia Vakasira (GR)


Byzantine chafing dishes constitute one of the least studied utensils of the Byzantine household. Though a series of publications discuss them in a more detailed manner (Morgan, 1942; Bakirtzis, 1989; Sanders, 1995; François, 2010; Poulou-Papadimitriou, 2008; Vassiliou, 2016), most of our knowledge about chafing dishes derives from their fleeting mention in excavation reports, where they are listed among other finds and only briefly described.

Forging a Lance or Spear Tip, creating Glass Beads or Handmade Paper


Forging a Lance or Spear Tip

Course objective: forging an iron lance or spearhead.

Course content: After an introduction to forging technology and the history of thrust and throwing weapons, each participant forges his own lance or spearhead historical model.

Easter Market

Organised by
the Netherlands

Dear friends, this year again, we would like to organize a weapon training and crafts weekend at Archeon. Not only fighters are welcome, but also crafts(wo)men and children. The main purpose of this weekend is to have fun and enjoy each other's company, and to have the opportunity to learn from each other. Of course, there will be public, so authenticity is a must.