Early Middle Ages

“A Mirror for Men” – Reconstructing a Medieval Polishing Bench and Putting it to the Test

Florian Messner (AT)
11th EAC Trento 2019
***In the late 5th century AD, the famous Ostrogoth Theoderic the Great received a truly regal gift from the king of the Warini: he was given highly elaborated swords, richly decorated and able to cut through armour. Their fullers (long grooves along the flat side of the blade to reduce weight and to gain stability...

Midwinter Fair

Organised by
the Netherlands

The winter festival for young and old! We go back to the origin, to the celebration of the Midwinter. The celebration of light, the days are getting longer!

Health Festival

Organised by
the Netherlands

Beautiful on the inside, beautiful on the outside.

Health and beauty are inextricably linked. People have known that for as long as they exist. This weekend Museumpark Archeon shows how people from prehistory to the 21st century deal with the care and well-being of their body.

Forging Weekend

Organised by
the Netherlands

Forging is of all times, before metal was used there was already a flint smith. Sharp objects such as knives, axes and adzes were made from flint. Later these objects were made of bronze and then of iron and steel.

Soap Making


Course target: we manufacture 3 soaps to take away

Course content: What is soap? How does soap work? What raw materials are used? And how is it handled correctly? Calculation of a soap recipe; Raw materials and their processing; Additives, fragrances, colors, herbs, tools; Script with simple soaps to imitate yourself