Early Middle Ages

ASOR: Experimental and Experiential Archaeology Session

Organised by
American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR)(US)

Call for Papers

To those of you doing hands-on experimental work in the field, lab, classroom, or anywhere else please come to ASOR 2020 in Boston and present your work in the "Experimental and Experiential Archaeology" session. I know many of you are doing exciting and interesting things and we'd love to hear about them!

XII Biskupin Archery Tournament


We invite you to the "XII Biskupin Archery Tournament". Every year, this event gathers more and more participants, which makes their battles look extremely spectacular! The players will await two days filled with various types of competitions, and visitors will be able not only to watch the tournament, but also to listen to interesting lectures related to historical archery and take p

Midsummer Night


"Kupala Night" is a unique opportunity to learn about the customs associated with the traditional holiday of summer solstice . Why did they jump through the fire? Has anyone ever found a fern flower? What was the significance of baths and wreaths on this special night? And what could flower and herb divination tell people? You will learn these