Early Middle Ages

Book Review: Experimentation and Interpretation, The Use of Experimental Archaeology in the Study of the Past by Dana C. E. Millson

HollyMae Steane Price (UK)

What role does experimental archaeology have in the wider discourse? According to the papers in this book, all of which were presented at the Theoretical Archaeological Group (TAG) conference in Southampton in 2008, a large one...

Lorsch Abbey (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Lauresham Open-Air Laboratory is an essential part of the new presentation of the World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey. The conception in its entirety is including the World Heritage Site itself (with its historical remains), a large depository of sculptural fragments from the Roman Era to the 16th century which is opened for visitors on demand, the “Museumszentrum” existing since 1995, which is meant to induct our visitors into the rich heritage of Lorsch Abbey in the fields of spiritual and academic life represented by a large library nowadays scattered all over the world. The Open Air Laboratory is a department or, in a way, an exhibit within this museum conception overlapping all aspects of monastic life in the Early Middle Ages.

The Lauresham Open-Air Laboratory is an essential part of the new presentation of the World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey. The conception in its entirety is including the World Heritage Site itself (with its historical remains), a large depository of sculptural fragments from the Roman Era to the 16th century which...

Conference Review: 7th Experimental Archaeology Conference, Cardiff 2013

Heather Hopkins (UK)
EAC Conferences
***The 7th Experimental Archaeology Conference was held on 12-13th January 2013. This annual event, first held in 2006. This year it was hosted jointly by the School of History, Archaeology and Religion at Cardiff University and St Fagan’s Open-Air Museum. Seventy-five delegates originally booked to attend, but one hundred actually...

Historia Vivens - Living History & Emotional Heritage (IT)

Historia Vivens is an Italy-based private project especially devoted to favour the rediscovering and promoting of the European heritage: historical sites, open-air living history and folk museums, theme parks and special archaeological projects, Living History and Folklore.

Historia Vivens is an Italy-based private project especially devoted to favour the rediscovering and promoting of the European heritage: historical sites...

Museo y Parque Arqueológico Cueva Pintada (ES)

Member of EXARC

The archaeological site of the cave was discovered by accident in 1862, but it was only from the seventies that the beautiful geometric paintings that give the name to the place were secured and the area explored. The cave resulted to be one in a system of caves. Unfortunately, the paintings were still at risk of disappearing and the cave had to be closed to the public in 1982. The archaeological park was part of a national project by the ministry in 1986. Excavations were carried out from 1987 and resulted in the discovery of a settlement around the cave with more than 70 houses dating from the 6th to the 16th century AD. The most sophisticated technologies for conservation are used at the cave and the houses have been restored in situ.

The archaeological site of the cave was discovered by accident in 1862, but it was only from the seventies that the beautiful geometric paintings that give the name to the place were secured and...

Castro de Elviña (ES)

Member of EXARC

Few kilometres south of La Coruna, in the northern coast of Spain, excavations started in 1947 and discovered a huge (7- 8 hectares) iron age and Roman fortified settlement. In 2002 a new campaign took place with the support from the local committee of La Coruna and the site is now open to the public. Volunteers as well as professionals and university students are involved in the wider frame of the Proyecto Artabria funded also by the Consellería de Cultura de la Xunta de Galicia and both the Ministerios de Cultura and Fomento.

Few kilometres south of La Coruna, in the northern coast of Spain, excavations started in 1947 and discovered a huge (7- 8 hectares) iron age and Roman fortified settlement. In 2002 a new campaign took place with...