Early Middle Ages

Geschichtspark Bärnau-Tachov (DE)

Member of EXARC

In Bärnau (Bavaria), this park depicts everyday life in this part of Germany from the 8th to 13th century. The non-profit association Via Carolina – Goldene Straße e.V. is responsible for the park, helped by an advisory committee of scientific consultants advising both on the houses and the way life is depicted here.

In Bärnau (Bavaria), this park depicts everyday life in this part of Germany from the 8th to 13th century. The non-profit association Via Carolina – Goldene Straße e.V. is responsible for the park, helped by an advisory committee of scientific consultants advising both...

Lizet Vlasveld

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
ect.vlasveld [at] xs4all.nl
the Netherlands

I worked in the prehistorisch Dorp and did many professional events. I have been covering many eras on which the Bronze Age / Early Iron Age and the Early Middle Ages in Northern Europe are my main focus.

Precision Lost Wax Casting

Nigel Meeks (UK),
Caroline Tulp (NL) and
Anders Söderberg (SE)
1999 Wilhelminaoord Workshop
***The limits of precision casting were explored experimentally at the Bronze Casting Workshop at Wilhelminaoord, the Netherlands, by making wax models, moulds and lost wax castings using essentially early metalworking conditions. Geometrically patterned models of Dark Age type dies were used to...