Lisa Hock
I am currently at the beginning of my dissertation in the field of architectural history with the broad topic of the construction methods of the Scandinavians of the early Middle Ages.
I am currently at the beginning of my dissertation in the field of architectural history with the broad topic of the construction methods of the Scandinavians of the early Middle Ages.
Faculty member in the History department and Director of the Digital Arts & Humanities program at Carleton College.
I have been involved in Historic Building Conservation for 40 years including Experimental Archaeology. I am currently a conservation consultant and historic materials practitioner.
My research and experimentation activity started in summer 2008 with the first pit-firings and the first mono-chamber kiln (Bronze Age).
Retired carpenter historic building consultant, conservator, MA Cons York UK, At present studying Anglo-Saxon and Viking woodworking, preparing Article/book on reconstruction of Anglo-Saxon buildings based on archaeological evidence and not by guess-work.
Dr. Liye Xie studies the co-construction of technology and society with specialties in preindustrial technologies of bone, stone, and earthen construction.
Since 1994 I am the director of the Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen.
I am an archaeologist and ancient historian with over a decade of research experience at the Universities of Heidelberg and Erfurt and the Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz in Germany.
I became interested in EXARC activities during my MA with the University of Bradford, where I started looking more into the textile and cremation industries, particularly the role that smell performs within settlement archaeology.
I'm an archaeologist and a postgraduate student at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano specializing in Early Medieval Archaeology and Landscape Archaeology; I'm particularly interested in longobard material culture and I have a long experience in archaeological excavations.
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2321 KA Leiden
The Netherlands
Phone: +(31) 6 40263273
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