
Cooking in Baskets Using Hot Rocks

Jonathan Thornton (US)
Baskets are among the most ancient of human artefacts. Everyone is familiar with their most common functions as containers for transport and storage. When told that baskets have also served as cooking vessels, most people will be unable to conceive of how this is possible, yet this was a primary function of baskets for many cultures of the past, and some until the present...

Recycled Flint Cores as Teaching Tools: Flintknapping at Archaeological Open-Air Museums

Matthew Swieton and
Linda Hurcombe (UK)
This article examines the art and craft of flintknapping and how the OpenArch project has influenced the way in which this specialized body of craft-knowledge can be most efficiently presented to the public, but additionally—and more importantly—how making the most of teaching opportunities can convey a deeper interpretation to the museum-goer...

Historical Park (BG)

Member of EXARC

In today's Bulgaria there are over 40 000 cultural and historical monuments, amongst which are significant prehistoric findings, Thracian tombs, objects from the Ancient Greek Age, Roman fortresses, monuments from the First and the Second Bulgarian Kingdom as well as other architectural landmarks from the period of the Renaissance.

In today's Bulgaria there are over 40 000 cultural and historical monuments, amongst which are significant prehistoric findings, Thracian tombs, objects from the Ancient Greek Age, Roman fortresses, monuments from the First and the Second Bulgarian Kingdom as well as other architectural landmarks from the period of the Renaissance.

UCD Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (IE)

Member of EXARC

The Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC) at University College Dublin, Ireland, established since 2012, is one of the only specifically designed and dedicated, on-campus university facilities in the world for experimental archaeology and material culture studies. It supports research projects, innovative teaching, and public outreach activities, so as to enable the creation of a better understanding of the nature and role of crafts, technologies and materiality in people’s lives in the past.

The Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC) at University College Dublin, Ireland, established since 2012, is one of the only specifically designed and dedicated, on-campus university facilities in the world for experimental archaeology and material culture studies.

The Archaeological Open-Air Site of the Museum of Prehistory MAMUZ and Its Cultural Touristic Development

Matthias Pacher (AT)
MAMUZ is the new name that combines the Lower Austrian museum of prehistory Niederösterreich Asparn/Zaya and the museum centre Museumszentrum Mistelbach to create a centre of experiences and knowledge covering 40,000 years of the history of the human race. Using the example of its archaeological open-air site, the museum of prehistory MAMUZ aims to...

Conference Review: European Textile Forum 2015

Heather Hopkins (UK)
The European Textile Forum (Textilforum) was held between the 2nd and 9th November 2015, at the Laboratory for Experimental Archaeology (LEA) in Mayen, Germany. LEA kindly hosted the European Textile Forum as part of their inaugural event in 2012 and since then the Director Michael Herdick has invited the conference to return annually...

Book Review: Egyptology in the Present: Experiential and Experimental Methods in Archaeology by C. Graves-Brown (Ed)

S.J. Harris (SA)
The eye-catching and colourful cover illustration of the Egyptian creator-God Ptah, fully-equipped with modern toolkit, promises an informative journey into experiential and experimental archaeology in Egyptology...

Material Culture Studies, Leiden University (NL)

Member of EXARC

Leiden University (founded in 1575) is one of Europe's leading international research-intensive universities. This prominent position gives our graduates an advantage when applying for positions both within and outside the academic world.

Leiden University (founded in 1575) is one of Europe's leading international research-intensive universities. This prominent position gives our graduates an advantage when applying for positions both within and outside the academic world.

Book Review: Archaeology and Crafts edited by Rüdiger Kelm

Arati Deshpande-Mukherjee (IN) and
Doug Meyer (USA)
The book “Archaeology and Crafts” is a transcript of the proceedings of the VI OpenArch-Conference held in Albersdorf, Germany, on the 23-27 September 2013. The conference was an activity of the OpenArch project –a cooperation of Archaeological Open-Air Museums across Europe of which the AOZA...