
Two Reconstructions of Prehistoric Houses from Torun (Poland)

G. Osipowicz,
D. Nowak and
J. Kuriga (PL)
In 1998 the Society for Experimental Primeval Archaeology (SEPA) was founded at the Institute of Archaeology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) in Toruń. Since its beginnings, SEPA members have dedicated a great effort to engaging in numerous scientific experiments with the aim to present human lifestyle in prehistoric times in general...

Putting on a Show - The How and Why of Historical Shows and Theatre in a Historical Setting or Theme-park

Jaap Hogendoorn (NL) and
Erik Collinson (UK)
As long as people have walked the earth, stories have been told; from stories around the campfire told by older people to entertain and educate the young, to 15th century knights dressing up as Romans during themed tournaments. Telling a story is putting on a little show; a show is a great way to tell a story... Including Spartacus in Archeon by Erik Collinson

Alessandro Peinetti MA cand. PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
alessandro.peinetti [at]

I am a PhD student at University Paul Valéry - Montpellier III (France). My current research focus on spatial organization of western Mediterranean (South France and Italy) Late Neolithic / Early Bronze Age settlements from a geoarchaeological point of view (in particular soil micromorphology).

Can Sadurni Horitzo 30 (ES)

Member of EXARC

The Cave of Can Sadurnì is one of the most exciting sites of European prehistory. Excavations have been carried out for over thirty years. Now, with the crisis, they encounter difficulties. The Archaeological Open-Air Museum project is intended to support and provide interpretation for this amazing site.

The project for the Archaeological Open-Air Museum was launched through National Geographic to promote excavations in the extraordinary site of the cave of Can Sadurní.

Stonehenge Visitor Centre (UK)

Member of EXARC

In the recently opened Stonehenge Visitor Centre, which provides permanent and temporary exhibition about one of the most striking World Heritage sites, five neolithic houses were (re)constructed.

The new Stonehenge Vistor Centre displays five neolithic houses, giving an overview of how life could have been at the time of the monument's building.

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2012

Thijs Hofland (NL)
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***According to James Mathieu in 2002, experimental archaeology is “A subfield of archaeological research which employs a number of different methods, techniques, analyses and approaches within the context of a controllable imitative experiment to replicate past phenomena...

An Experimental Comparison of Impressions Made from Replicated Neolithic Linen and Bronze Age Woolen Textiles on Pottery

Lauren Ferrero (UK)
Textile impressions on pottery provide evidence for fabrics and weaves in areas where the fabrics themselves do not survive. This article argues that the impressions can provide information on the uses of different fibres, the weaving technologies and possible trading or agricultural advances connected with these fibres...

Book Review: Performing Heritage: Research, Practice and Innovation in Museum Theatre and Live Interpretation by Anthony Jackson & Jenny Kidd (eds)

Kirsty Sullivan (UK)
This useful text brings together recent thinking about museum theatre and the performance of heritage, offering a range of international case studies to its readers as evidence of the discipline’s usefulness in interpreting the past for visitors...