Newer Era

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie. Eine Gratwanderung zwischen Wissenschaft und Kommerz by Dirk Vorlauf

Wulf Hein (DE)
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***The name Dirk Vorlauf is closely connected to the history of experimental archaeology in Germany. From the late1980s, the Vorlauf has conducted several experiments testing archaeological hypotheses, and he is critically involved in methodology and theory...

"But if you don't get any IRON..." Towards an Effective Method for Small Iron Smelting Furnaces

Darrell Markewitz (CA)

Building and operating a small bloomery iron furnace is certainly a wonderful public demonstration for any museum or living history site. It is however a complex technical process, with many individual factors combining for success. Over the last decade in North America, small teams of blacksmiths have developed predictable working methods through trial and much error. This direct practical experience can provide some insights into questions that even the best researched theories may not be able to solve.

Prähistorische Abteilung des Naturhistorischen Museums (AT)

Member of EXARC

The Natural History Museum of Vienna holds some of the most remarkable prehistoric finds. In display halls covering 8.700² metres the visitor can travel through our planet's history, through the breathtaking diversity of nature and back to the origins of our culture.

The Natural History Museum of Vienna holds some of the most remarkable prehistoric finds. In display halls covering 8.700² metres the visitor can travel through our planet's history, through the breathtaking diversity of nature and...

Sagnlandet Lejre (DK)

Member of EXARC

Lejre Land of Legends near Roskilde, is the oldest open air museum in Denmark and over has for decades been am example to many. The extensive site was in the 1960s scene for an experimental archaeology village, later followed by an experiment in ethnographic education and now famous for its Iron Age scenery as well as Mesolithic, Viking Age and post medieval area.

The Lejre Centre, near Roskilde, is the oldest one in Denmark and over decades, has been example to many. The extensive site was in the 1960s scene for an experimental archaeology village, later followed by an experiment in ethnographic education and now famous for...


EAS is the Swiss platform for the promotion of experimental archaeology across all eras and disciplines. With activities, she unites the scientific experiment, the cultural mediation, as well as the production of replicas.

EAS is the Swiss platform for the promotion of experimental archaeology across all eras and disciplines. With activities, she unites the scientific experiment, the cultural mediation, as well as the production of replicas. At the same time....

Amgueddfa Cymru – St Fagans National History Museum (UK)

Member of EXARC

Located in the suburb of St Fagans to the North West of Cardiff, the museum was created in 1946 in the grounds of St Fagans Castle at an area of 100 hectares. Besides dozens of ethnographic (original) buildings, moved to the site, the museum has a reconstructed manor house in Elizabethan style and three Iron Age like roundhouses. St Fagans is one of Europe's leading open-air museums and has been voted the UK’s favourite tourist attraction.

Located to the northwest of Cardiff, the museum was created in 1946 in the grounds of St Fagans Castle. It features dozens of reconstructed buildings, brought from across Wales, and three Iron Age roundhouses based on...