Newer Era

To Be or Not to Be: Thoughts on Living History - Some Personal Remarks

Thit Birk Petersen (DK)
This article is based on personal experiences and observations conducted through many years as a volunteer at the Middle Age Centre in Denmark and later as a student at the Open Air Museum, Sorgenfri, Denmark. Observations and remarks made are solely personal and the article reflects thoughts I have had throughout the years...

IRM - International Reenactmentmarket

Organised by
RömerWelt am Caput Limitis (DE)

On April 25th and 26th 2020 the international re-enactment fair IRM2020 will take place for the first time in RömerWelt at the caput limitis in Rheinbrohl. On both days from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm three dozen exhibitors present handcrafted replicas and equipment for living history and re-enactment from the Stone Age to the 19th Century AD.