Newest Era

Reconference 2018

Organised by
Hands on History (NO)

ReConference is a three day international, interdisciplinary conference on the topics of re-enactment and living history. Our aim is to examine and develop the re-enactment scene - the many topics of historical re-enactment and living history - through key talks, workshops, panel discussions, «rants and praises» and small pop-up exhibitions.

Event Review: Archaeology Networking Day, Education & Living History in the Netherlands

Marie-France van Oorsouw and
Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
In early March, three EXARC members organized a networking day focusing on archaeology, education and living history. They invited museum colleagues from both indoor and outdoor museums; ship wharfs building reconstructions of old ships, craftspeople, academics and entrepreneurs in these areas. Their motivation came from the knowledge that even in a small country like the Netherlands...

Vintage Cars Exhibition


For old-timer friends we offer for the third time a very special "bonbon": Exclusive cars, luxury mobile with style and tractor veterans with their characteristic sound make their way into the archaeological open-air museum. The owners like to show their lovingly tended treasures. A day where the hearts of all oldie friends beat faster! There is good food and drinks. 

Conference Review: 1st African Conference on Experimental Archaeology (ACE), 2018

Justin Bradfield (ZA)
The first African Conference on Experimental Archaeology (ACE) took place at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, between 20th and 22nd March 2018. The conference, co-organised by EXARC, provided a platform for African-based scholars to showcase their experimental research. Scholars from as far afield as the USA, France and India participated in the conference...

Historia Mundi

Organised by
Historia Mundi (BE)

This event is unique in its kind. It only happens once a year in Belgium that all historical associations are assembled in the form of a multi-period camp. During this camp we make a journey through World History. This happens in an encampment built in the style and the tradition of the presented period.

International Conference on Interpretation

Organised by
The National Association for Interpretation (NAI) (US)

Join us in the heart of the Champagne wine-growing region in Reims, France, for our NAI 2018 International Conference! Join interpreters from around the world as we explore the conference theme, "Inspiring Critical Thinking: Essential Questions of Past, Present, and Future."

Maria-Louise Sidoroff PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
maria.sidoroff [at]
Crafts & Skills

For over thirty years I have investigated the techniques of traditional modern potters. I use the information in technological analysis of prehistoric ceramics as I worked with directors of archaeological excavations earlier in Israel and Peru and now in Jordan.