Newest Era

Historical Festival Doorn

Organised by
Historisch Festival Doorn and Cranenburgh Events
the Netherlands

The Historical Festival Doorn takes place on 11 and 12 July 2020. Save the dates in your agenda! Take a trip through time with the whole family and experience more than 2500 years of European history!

Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2019

Cameron Privette (US)
REARC Conferences
***The 9th annual Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology Conference, hosted by the Center for Historic Preservation at the University of Mary Washington and George Washington’s Ferry Farm in Fredericksburg, Virginia, took place between October 25th and 26th...

Book Review: Interpreting the Environment at Museums and Historic Sites by Reid and Vali

V. M. Roberts (CA)

Interpreting the Environment at Museums and Historic Sites is a textbook and a call to action. In the midst of the Anthropocene, Debra A. Reid and David D. Vail argue, museums and conservation areas should attend to their environmental assets, tell environmental stories, and take an activist role in encouraging better stewardship.

Scottish Weekend

Organised by
the Netherlands

During the weekend of 25 and 26 April, Scottish history from 1300 to the present will get full attention in Archeon. Different periods between 1300 and the Second World War are re-enacted. Both citizens and regiments show the daily Scottish life through the ages. A camp from the year 1300, Scots from the year 1745 and the group 92nd Gordon Highlanders will show the life of that time.

Book Review: Architectures of Fire: Processes, Space and Agency in Pyrotechnologies edited by Dragos Gheoghiu

Gregg Griffin (UK)
This book is a collection of six papers from the 2015 Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists session with the same title, co-organised by Dragoş Gheoghiu and Derek Pitman. The contributors to this work are a global team of thirteen archaeology researchers and experimental archaeologists who have studied different aspects of the use of fire and its influence on...

Conference Review: Exploring Heritage, Museums Mediating Archaeology

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
Our colleagues in Xanten invited us for a conference on the use of digital media in museums. Eleven speakers from Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Austria captivated an audience of about 75 participants. Many of the presented ideas were delivered by larger museums, some of them in the phase of execution...

IMTAL Training Weekend: "It’s about Time!"

Organised by
IMTAL Europe
United Kingdom

At historical sites and in the presence of historical objects, the only dimension which separates us from the the stories and the people connected with them is the 4th Dimension, Time. Live interpretation is arguably the best way of bridging that dimensional distance. We talk about ‘Bringing the Past To Life’ or ‘Going back in Time’. Visitors often cite ‘time travel’ as a motive for visiting.

Art in the Serra: Project of Heritage Experiences in the Territory of the Serra Da Capivara National Park (BR)

Jorlan da Silva Oliveira (BR)
In 2013 a team of researchers in collaboration with the community in the municipality of Coronel José Dias, around Serra da Capivara National Park, Piauí-Brazil, created the Olho D 'Água Institute and since then has been developing research and didactic experiments with the communities. The project entitled Arte na Serra aims to engage communities...