Newest Era


Organised by
UMR 7194 - HNHP
UMR 7091 ArScAn, équipe ANTET

Dear colleagues,

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the deadline for submission of abstracts (communications, posters or public demonstrations) was extended to 26 June 2020. We are aware of the current difficulties of many researchers. This report aims to enable as many people as possible to participate in this important scientific meeting to experimental archaeology.

Event Review: NEMO Learning Exchange in Budapest (HU)

Pascale Barnes (UK)
The purpose of this Learning Exchange was to discover more about the Hungarian museum landscape, with examples of successful programmes engaging in social responsibility in Hungary. The host and organiser Zsolt Sari, Deputy Director General of the Hungarian Open Air Museum (Skanzen), was joined by colleagues from the Ludwig Museum, the Petofi Literary Museum, and the Herman Otto Museum...

Working with Artisans; The ‘It Depends’ Dilemma

Christina Petty (CA)
We live in a world where scientific method is both the expected and accepted path to knowledge. With any scientific method, experiments based on detailed, well-documented, well-considered theories, and precise set-ups must be replicated exactly by others who come to the same conclusion to consider the information gleaned from them to be valid. This has become the accepted practice for most...

Replication of a Maori Ethnographic Textile Hem Border Pattern

Lisa McKendry (NZ)
11th EAC Trento 2019
***Replication of archaeological and ethnographic Māori textiles, under the direction of customary knowledge and previous practical experience, can provide a more nuanced understanding of the manufacture of taonga (treasures) made from fibre materials. A case study is presented here from the unique perspective of a weaver who...

Event Review: “I Experiment so I Participate” Italian Experimental Archaeology Festival: Experience in Didactics and Scientific Dissemination

M. Massussi,
S. Tucci
A. Sciancalepore and
R. Laurito (IT)
11th EAC Trento 2019
***Participation in archaeology is the basic “inclusive process” of a human community, which allows it to identify its cultural values. Experimental archaeology with its rediscovery of gestures and techniques allows re-appropriation, a sense of belonging and ...

Everybody Else is doing It, so Why Can’t We? Low-tech and High-tech Approaches in Archaeological Open-Air Museums

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
Some people believe that an open-air museum is a place where you leave your modern technique behind and go ‘low tech’. Other than the museums which act like digital free zones, many others experiment with going digital. Where experience and storytelling have always been the central concepts of archaeological open-air museums, exactly these ideas are behind many digital techniques. We have to...

Indian Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes to Archaeological Content in History Textbooks

Seema Shukla Ojha (IN)


It is well accepted that using real evidence/primary sources is an important criterion in the teaching and learning of history. The focus in classrooms in many parts of the world has already moved to using both primary and secondary sources instead of solely using school textbooks, which has made the teaching and learning of history much more useful, joyful, and productive. Archaeological remains form one of the most important of primary sources.

Conference Review: Biannual Conference of the Association of European Open Air Museums (AEOM), Poland, August 2019

Peter A. Inker (US)
This year’s Association of European Open Air Museums (AEOM) Biannual Conference 2019 took place at multiple sites in Poland, over four days in late August. Its two key themes were ‘How Open Air Museums represent different cultural identities’, and ‘Representing the past - technical solutions for reconstruction and archaeological interpretation’. I was invited to participate in order to...

Universitat de Barcelona (ES)

Member of EXARC

Since 1995 the Grup de Recerca d’Arqueologia Medieval i Post-medieval (GRAMP-UB) is an in-terdisciplinary team lead by University of Barcelona, formed by members of different national and international institutions.

Its target is to study the medieval and post medieval archaeological re-mains. The new Degree in Archaeology offers to the students the possibility to collaborate in the excavation campaigns in medieval sites, and also some practices in Experimental Archaeology: for instance, they can do some experimental training at the AREA in l’Esquerda, Roda de Ter, an Open-Air Laboratory dedicated to experimental works.

IMTAL Training Day - Death in the Country

Organised by

Nowadays, death is pretty much excluded from daily life. Until only a few generations ago, however, death and dying as a natural process were highly visible throughout society, and ever-present at every stage of people’s biography: Young mothers could die in childbirth, out of a large flock of siblings, only some would grow up to be adults. Life expectancy was generally lower than it is today.