Newest Era

The Representation of Prehistory

Organised by
Organised by
the Netherlands

Prehistory in the Netherlands has left little complete or tangible archaeological material. Often it is about some stains in the ground, or a handful of flint turns. The translation of this abstract archaeological material into a striking story therefore carries a lot of "free space" with it. This means that the image makers bear a great responsibility. But ...

Crafting Resilience

Organised by
Laajverd Visiting School

Artists, Textile designers, Architects, Anthropologists, Social scientists - Join us in 'Crafting Resilience' in Kalash Valley, KPK from 12th - 21st April 2020.

Send your statement of interest, CV and ID on by 7th March 2020.

Narratives - Long Story Short

Organised by

Annual Conference of ICOM MPR

The International Committee for Museum Marketing & Public Relations of ICOM announces its annual conference in 2020 in Kassel and Berlin.

-> Call for Proposals is open

21-23 September 2020 in Kassel
24-26 September 2020 in Berlin


Glass Factory

Organised by
AFAV – Association Française pour l'Archéologie du Verre

The 9th International AFAV Congress will take place from May the 29th to June the 2th 2021 in Nantes!

International Traditional Archery Tournament “Historical Park"

Organised by

From the 8th until 10th of May 2020 at the biggest culture-historical and architectural complex Historical Park will be held the tournament with the largest prize pool in the world - the International Traditional Archery Tournament “Historical Park". Archers from more than 25 countries are invited and expected to take part at the tournament.

The Use and Relevance of Archaeological Open-Air Museums

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
Archaeological open-air museums form a colourful and varied assemblage of heritage institutions. These are places where stories about the past, inspired by archaeology, are presented. Their obvious use is for experimental archaeology, ancient crafts and live interpretation. However, these museums can be more relevant to society than meets the eye. They can teach newcomers about...

Health Festival

Organised by
the Netherlands

Beautiful on the inside, beautiful on the outside.

Health and beauty are inextricably linked. People have known that for as long as they exist. This weekend Museumpark Archeon shows how people from prehistory to the 21st century deal with the care and well-being of their body.

ICMAH 2020

Organised by
ICMAH - ICOM Colombia

In the last few years, ICOM and its members have reflected upon the following difficult issues. In 2017 the subject for the international museum day was Contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums, and this year it is going to be Museums for equality: Diversity and Inclusion.

Book Review: Mittelsteinzeit, ein Leben im Paradies? by Werner Pfeifer

Michael Müller (DE)
Considering actual studies about the analysis of ancient DNA is an important question, if only the lifestyle or the population, too, changed when hunter-gatherers became farmers and stockbreeders. The results point so far towards the latter possibility. However, the foragers of the Northern European Ertebølle culture preserved their lifestyle for one millennium, even though they lived in neighboring areas...