

Organised by
UMR 7194 - HNHP
UMR 7091 ArScAn, équipe ANTET

Dear colleagues,

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the deadline for submission of abstracts (communications, posters or public demonstrations) was extended to 26 June 2020. We are aware of the current difficulties of many researchers. This report aims to enable as many people as possible to participate in this important scientific meeting to experimental archaeology.

Flint knapping workshop

United Kingdom

Discover how our ancestors made tools out of stones in the ground with flint knapper and author Bob Turner. Learn to understand flint as a material and how to knap and work it to make ancient tools. Discover the talents and skills of ancient Britons and go home with a flint tool you have made yourself!

Conference: Trial by Fire 2020

United Kingdom

An interdisciplinary conference on the transformative power of fire.

Fire always leaves its mark and a wealth of information behind. Our aim is to bring together research on experimental archaeology, archaeomaterials, archaeobotany, anthracology, pyrotechnology, taphonomic investigations including burned bone, combustion features, or accidental burning. 

Basalt Handaxes: Preliminarily Testing the Lithic Translation Strategy Hypothesis and Comparisons with the Fontana Ranuccio Site Bifacial Tools

Giorgio Chelidonio (IT)
11th EAC Trento 2019
***The oldest bifacial “handaxes” known so far belong to the “Kokiselei 4” site, dated to 1.76 Ma (West Turkana, Kenya; Texier, 2018). They have been manufactured by direct lithic percussion on magmatic effusive stone materials. Considering that the evolution of “fully operational intelligence” (Wynn, 1979) has been associated with the so-called...

International Camp of Experimental Archaeology

Organised by
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (PL)
Society for Experimental Prehistoric Archaeology (SEPA)

We invite everyone interested in experimental archaeology to participate in a two-week International Camp of Experimental Archaeology, connected with a seminar presenting the state of art of this method in Poland and accompanying use-wear workshops.

2019 Australian Archaeology Association Conference: Disrupting Paradise

Organised by
Australian Archaeology Association (AU)

AAA Session

Exploring the Zooarchaeological and Archaeobotanical Record in Australia through Space and Time

Convenors: Ms Fiona Hook, PhD Candidate, University of Western Australia
Dr Carly Monks, Research Fellow, University of Western Australia
Dr Jillian Garvey, ARC DECRA Fellow, La Trobe University

Miriam Plönissen

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
miriam_ploenissen [at]

Being a prehistoric archaeologist I really think, that science communication is an important topic, and for that I find it a pleasure to work as an educator in a museum. Concerning crafts, my main interest is pottery, and since 2014 I conduct experiments on building Neolithic clay drums.

Universität Hamburg (DE)

Member of EXARC

Since the 1990s, experimental archaeology has been anchored in teaching and scientific research in pre- and early-historical archaeology at the University of Hamburg, and has been applied in different ways and considered in individual theses with a clear archaeological experimental contribution.

By 2004, the Experimental Archaeology with its own seminar and adjoin practice part is an integral part of the curriculum of Prehistoric and Early Archaeology. In addition to the introduction to the history, theories and methods of experimental archaeology, the seminar offers students the opportunity to develop their own projects with archaeological-experimental questions. The supervision of the students takes place on the whole by two experimental archaeologists and is supplemented by further experts for certain questions.