
Université de Liège (BE)

Member of EXARC

TraceoLab is a research centre in prehistory with a particular focus on the analysis of use-wear and residues on stone tools in combination with extensive experimentation. The experimental research is thus focused on stone tools, in various raw materials but with a predominance of flint. 

All stone tools are manufactured by a skilled knapper who is a member of TraceoLab. The group is involved in a lot of methodological work, in relation to use-wear, residues and taphonomy, while also specific themes are addressed, such as hafting and projectiles. The lab houses specific equipment for experimentation, in particular for projectiles, next to specialized analytical equipment.

South Ural State University (RU)

Member of EXARC

At the South Ural State University, based on the Scientific and Educational Center for Eurasian Studies, under the scientific supervision of Ivan Semyan, a comprehensive laboratory of experimental archaeology operates, which carries out international experimental research projects, and also studies and models the technologies of the ancient population of the Urals. 

The laboratory is a member of the Archaeos Association representing a community of archaeologists, experimenters and reenactors. The consolidation of forces interested in modeling the phenomena and processes of the past allows the laboratory of experimental archaeology at SUSU to carry out a wide range of multidisciplinary tasks: scientific and popular science activities, creating museum displays and replicas of artifacts, educating pupils and students, and participating in tourism and charity projects.

University of Manchester (UK)

Member of EXARC

The Experimental Archaeology Group was established in 2017 to create the opportunity for both staff and students to get hands-on experience of making, using and researching the artefacts and material culture that they learn and teach about within degree units.

Since forming, the group has explored prehistoric and historical ethnographic knapping techniques, prehistoric bone and antler working, organic cordage from a range of plant fibre sources and willow work, including basketry and fish traps.
These sessions provide us as archaeologists with a new understanding of certain aspects of material culture, including time, skill, knowledge, effort and sensorial experience, all of which expand our understanding of the past.

Newcastle University (UK)

Member of EXARC

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is home to several archaeologists conducting experimental archaeology. 

Dr Chloe Duckworth has experience with among others Roman and medieval glass. She teaches for example the module “you are what you make”. This module explores - and helps you to learn - the skills and techniques humans have used for millennia to control, manipulate, and construct the world around us. 

University of Kyiv (UA)

Member of EXARC

At the Department: Archaeology and Museum Studies, Assoc. Ryzhov Sergey Nikolaevich teaches a module on experimental archaeology. 
Experimental archaeology is a field of modern archaeology through which the reconstruction or modelling of particular techniques or technologies of the past is carried out on the basis of previous research into archaeological sources.

Experimental archaeology uses a hypothetical-deductive method of checking and evaluating archaeological information. In the process of checking the sources, practical historical reconstructions are carried out for each individual chronological and territorial complex of archaeological sites.

26th Archaeological Festival in Biskupin


This year's edition of the Festival will be organized under the slogan "Back to the past" . We will present a wide range of attractions, among which both adults, school children and families with children will find something for themselves. And all this in an inter

Stephen Fox BA MA

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
Steveythefox [at]

I studied Archaeology at University College Dublin where I completed my BA and MA in Prehistoric and Experimental Archaeology in 2014. I have a particular interest in craftsmanship and embodied cognitive approaches to tool use, which I have personally explored through archery and bow-making.

Bringing Experimental Lithic Technology to Paleoamerican Brazilian Archaeology: Replication Studies on the Rioclarense and Garivaldinense Industries

João Carlos Moreno De Sousa (BR)


Despite experimental archaeological approaches being well known in Brazilian archaeology since the 1970’s, it has rarely produced studies until the beginning of the 21th century. The first deep debate on the subject of experimental archaeology was provided by Miller Jr. (1975), specifically on the application of the approach to lithic technology using Corumbataí flint - typical raw material from the Rioclarense industry. In that occasion, Miller Jr.