
Have you got the tine? Prehistoric Methods in Antler Working

Andy Langley and
Izzy Wisher (UK)
Antler working was prevalent throughout prehistory, with a breadth of intricately detailed and technologically complex antler artefacts observed within the archaeological record. In particular, during the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic, antler working with flint tools would have been a time-consuming process. While the chaîne opératoire of producing certain antler artefacts has previously been explored...

Archäologisches Landesmuseum Brandenburg (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Brandenburg State Authorities for Heritage Management and State Museum of Archaeology (BLDAM) is a state authority established by and directly supervised by the Brandenburg State Ministry of Culture and Science.

The mission of the BLDAM is the fulfilment of the public service remit for preservation and dissemination of the archaeological and historical heritage of the federal state of Brandenburg.

Re-opened in 2008 the State Museum of Archaeology is an extracurricular place of learning and the most important cultural ambassador of the state Brandenburg.
It presents the 130 000 years old history of the state in an innovative, interactive and modern exhibition. 

Book Review: Experimental Archaeology: from Research to Society, by Isabel Cáceres et al.

Patrícia Machado (PT)
“Experimental Archaeology: from research to society” is a transcript of the proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology in Tarragona, Spain, on the 25-27th October 2017. The conference, organized by Experimenta (Asociación Española de Arqueología Experimental), the Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)...

Stone Age INSET Day

United Kingdom

Experience the Neolithic era of the Stone Age first-hand through an interactive talk and primitive skills workshops! Designed for teachers and Stone Age enthusiasts, this INSET day will help to support your KS2 topic, "Britain from the Stone to the Iron Age" and will give you a unique opportunity to learn and teach more about our past through hands-on experiences!


Arkaim Flame

Organised by
Organised by
"Arkaim" Reserve (RU)
experimental archaeology association "Archaeos" (RU)
South Ural State University, Laboratory of Experimental Archaeology (RU)

The third historical reenactment festival "Arkaim Flame" is dedicated to the ancient history of the Southern Urals.The guests of the festival are shown the details of the life, crafts and military affairs of ancient times.

Anita Radini PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
anita.radini [at]
United Kingdom

I am an archaeological scientist interested in ancient labour division in past and traditional societies. I study the impact on health of ancient crafting activities. I am particularly interested in 'dusty' crafts such (as pottery, pigments, dyes making, textile production).

Chicken Festival


That rabbits do not lay eggs is known to most. But who knows when and how the human came to the chicken? On Easter Monday, the story of chicken farming is told in individual stages. First, the NAMU Bielefeld clarifies about the fossil relatives of the chickens - the dinosaurs. The Bronze Age is about the first tame poultry in Europe, the guinea fowl.

Alice La Porta PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
alice.laporta [at]
United Kingdom

I have recently submitted my PhD thesis in partnership with the University of Exeter and the University of Reading. My research investigates the evidence, use and performance of stone-tipped spear technologies among Neanderthal populations in the European Middle Palaeolithic.