Roman Era

What’s in an Experiment? Roman Fish Sauce: an Experiment in Archaeology

Sally Grainger (UK)

In the summer of 2009 I was engaged in the preliminary preparations for extensive experiments to manufacture fish sauces for my MA dissertation in Archaeology at Reading University. In my previous research into Roman food, it was clear that it was not going to be possible to truly understand ancient cuisine without...

Grundtvig, Life Long Learning in Archaeological Open-Air Museums

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)

In November 2009, the idea for launching a network on adult education in EXARC was picked up. The first step was a preparation meeting in Oerlinghausen, Germany where we met with about 20 EXARC members from almost all corners of Europe. By mid 2010, 15 organisations, including EXARC itself joined in two so called Grundtvig Learning Partnerships, funded by the European Union...

"But if you don't get any IRON..." Towards an Effective Method for Small Iron Smelting Furnaces

Darrell Markewitz (CA)

Building and operating a small bloomery iron furnace is certainly a wonderful public demonstration for any museum or living history site. It is however a complex technical process, with many individual factors combining for success. Over the last decade in North America, small teams of blacksmiths have developed predictable working methods through trial and much error. This direct practical experience can provide some insights into questions that even the best researched theories may not be able to solve.

Swietokrzyskie Association of Industrial Heritage (PL)

Ancient metallurgy of iron and iron itself is the subject matter of our interest. It is mostly the essence of the "Dymarki Świętokrzyskie" archaeological event which also gave a name to the project "Man and iron in the first centuries of our era" launched 20 years ago.

Ancient metallurgy of iron and iron itself is the subject matter of our interest. It is mostly the essence of the "Dymarki Świętokrzyskie" archaeological event which also gave a name to the project "Man and iron in the first centuries of...

Museu de Prehistòria de València (ES)

Member of EXARC

The Museu de Prehistòria de València is a scientific institution dedicated to preserving, researching and disseminating the archaeological prehistoric heritage of the province of Valencia. It is a cultural resource of the Valencian society in so far it preserves his heritage; it contributes to the enhancement of its cultural level and its integral development.

The Museu de Prehistòria de València is a scientific institution dedicated to preserving, researching and disseminating the archaeological prehistoric heritage of the province of Valencia. It is a cultural resource of the Valencian society in so far it preserves his heritage...

Römerkastell Saalburg Archäologischer Park (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Saalburg Roman Fort Archaeological Park is an in situ reconstruction of a Roman Fort from the 2nd century AD. It is part of the decentralised county museum of the County of Hessen and a research institute. Since 2006 it has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Upper German-Raetian Limes.

The Saalburg Roman Fort Archaeological Park is an in situ reconstruction of a Roman Fort from the 2nd century AD. It is part of the decentralised county museum of the County of Hessen and a research institute. Since 2006 it has been...