Viking Age

Ornavik (FR)

Member of EXARC

ORNAVIK is a rather crazy project, aiming to recreate Normandy as it might have been in the 10th and 11th centuries.
Ornavik is also a place where you can discover the history of the birth of our region through its Carolingian village, its Viking area and its Motte and Baily castle. At Ornavik you can not only study Viking history but above all relive it! From the moment you enter into the Park, you will be immersed in a world of craftspeople, warriors, merchants, nobility and other townspeople in their costumes.

A Collaborative Real Life Adventure
Ornavik lives through the dedicated work of about a hundred volunteers and is financed mainly by local ponsors and regional grants. The authenticity of the project is ensured by a panel of experts, made up of historians and archaeologists, who check the building plans and techniques prior to reconstruction.

ACE - Conference on African Experimental Archaeology

Organised by
South Africa

On behalf of the organizing committee, we invite you to participate in the African Conference on Experimental Archaeology (ACE), in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference will be held at the Wits Club, University of the Witwatersrand. ACE encourages the exchange and sharing of new work in scientific experiments and closely related activities focussing on African and Africanist research.

REARC Conference

Organised by

This year the REARC meetings are scheduled for October 25th and 26th in historic Fredericksburg, Virginia. We are excited to announce that the Department of Historic Preservation at the University of Mary Washington will host Friday presentations. And on Saturday, REARC craftspeople will hold a variety of demonstrations/workshops at George Washington’s Ferry Farm.

Giorgi Chitaia Open-Air Museum (GE)

Member of EXARC

The Open-Air Museum of Ethnography is located 3 km south-west from Tbilisi at the Turtle Lake. The museum is named after the Georgian ethnographer who founded the museum. It represents a kind of a Georgian village where every house and every estate are a reflection of the different eras of Georgian history. It is 65 hectares large and is arranged in eleven zones, displaying around 70 buildings, starting from the Bronze Age up to the early 20th century.

One of the most famous houses is a reconstruction of an ancient Georgian dwelling - "darbazi", which looks like if it is dug into the earth surface; the roof resembles a beehive. This type of structure was used from the Bronze Age until the early 20th century AD. There are also an early Christian "Sioni" basilica from Tianeti and a 6th-7th century familial burial vault with sarcophagus.

Event Review: EXARC visits Moscow

Milica Tapavički-Ilić (RS) and
Artūrs Tomsons (LV)
Between the 1st to the 12th of June 2017, a huge festival called "Times and Epochs" (Времена и эпохи - Cобрание) was organized in Moscow. This was the occassion to gather participants not only from Russia, but also from many other countries, and demonstrate the best of reenactment to festival visitors...

Moorforge (UK)

Member of EXARC

Traditional Blacksmithing and Skills from the Viking Age. Have you ever wondered what it would have been like living in the Viking age? Well now is your chance with a new Viking settlement that has been created at Moorforge near Wigton. Moorforge Viking settlement is a project undertaken by David Watson and is a not for profit community interest company. After building a Viking era Icelandic style forge and wood workshop, plans are to finish off the site with an animal barn, a smokehouse and a Viking longhouse.

Gosforth, Seascale, Beckermet, St Bees,Workington, Dacre, Penrith, Cumwhitton.
What do they all have in common? The Vikings, and it’s not just limited to these places.
Throughout Cumbria we see the Norse language forming the names of our Towns and Villages. Kirk (from Old Norse Kirkja) means church, Ulverston from Ulfrs tun ('Ulfr's farmstead'), Kendal from Kent dalr ('valley of the River Kent') and Elterwater from eltr vatn (‘Swan Lake').

12th Iberian Congress of Archaeometry (CIA 2017)


The 12th Iberian Congress of Archaeometry will be held between October 25th and 28th at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH) in Burgos .

The Iberian archaeometry community will meet to discuss the technological advances and their possible applications to the material study of historical, archaeological and cultural heritage.


Organised by

Experimenting is a great way to understand and learn. Experimenting through manual activities and the study of ancient technologies, allows us to transform the notional store to an everyday action.

“Days of Living Archaeology” at the Prehistoric Archaeopark Vsestary, Czech Republic

Radomír Tichý (CZ)
Until recently, the presentation of archaeology in the Czech Republic was solely connected to classic museum exhibitions. Unfortunately, not all museums have archaeological exhibitions. For example, the National Museum in Prague currently does not have any, not even temporary, archaeological exhibition due to the reconstruction of the historical building...