
What’s in an Experiment? Roman Fish Sauce: an Experiment in Archaeology

Sally Grainger (UK)

In the summer of 2009 I was engaged in the preliminary preparations for extensive experiments to manufacture fish sauces for my MA dissertation in Archaeology at Reading University. In my previous research into Roman food, it was clear that it was not going to be possible to truly understand ancient cuisine without...

WEA’s Latest Life Experiment

Jaco Schilp (NL)

The WEA, Society for Experimental Archaeology, is a sub-society of the NJBG, the Dutch Historical Youth Association. It is formed by youngsters aged 12 to 26 who enjoy participating in several aspects of living history. WEA offers them a chance to learn about history, set up their own archaeological experiments, and the opportunity to participate in living history for example by learning a...

Kierikkikeskus / Kierikki Stone Age Centre (FI)

Member of EXARC

Kierikki Stone Age Centre is the biggest Stone Age Centre in Finland. It is located 55 kilometres NE from Oulu, the biggest city in Northern Finland, on the banks of the Iijoki river.

The archaeological exhibition at the Kierikki Stone Age Centre displays objects from the Stone Age. In addition, activity programs in the reconstructed Stone Age Village offer a unique opportunity to experience life as it was lived thousands of years ago...

Fotevikens Museum (SE)

Member of EXARC

25 km south of Malmö, Sweden, you will find the Archaeological Open-Air Museum of Foteviken. Inside a city wall open toward the sea, the world’s only attempt to recreate an entire Viking Age town shows a number of streets with 23 houses and homesteads, reflecting life in a late Viking Age and early Middle Age town in 1134 AD.

25 km south of Malmö, Sweden, you will find the Archaeological Open-Air Museum of Foteviken. Inside a city wall open toward the sea, the world’s only attempt to recreate an entire Viking Age town shows a number of streets with 23 houses and homesteads...

Butser Ancient Farm (UK)

Member of EXARC

Butser Ancient Farm is situated in the South East of England, approximately 50 miles to the south of London. The concept of replicating an ancient farm began life in 1970 as a research project developed by the Council for British Archaeology and the Research Committee on Ancient Agriculture from the British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Butser Ancient Farm is situated in the South East of England, approximately 50 miles to the south of London. The concept of replicating an ancient farm began life in 1970 as a research project developed by the Council for British Archaeology and the Research Committee on Ancient Agriculture from the British Association for the Advancement of Science...