Robert Schmits

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
robert.schmits [at]
Crafts & Skills

I am a Dutch national but live in Italy since 1983 and since 1994 in Rome. I have always been attracted to history and archaeology in general but concentrate on Roman history.
Moving to Italy and to Rome reinforced this attraction and turned it into a passion, first by visits to numerous sites and museums in Rome and in Italy and further by joining two groups who re-enact republican and imperial Rome.
From 2006 until 2013 I have been an active member of Legio XXX and since 2016 I am a member of Legio Secvnda Consolaris, both groups give living history demonstrations all over Italy displaying Roman military and civil life and have reconstructed interesting trades, machines and techniques.
Since 2017 I assist Giuseppe Pulitani, another EXARC member, with his work and am busy trying to establish myself as a tour operator with my company Italian Adventures.