
It's all about delegating

No two days in the EXARC office are the same. Stefanie started the role of office manager at one of the busiest times: the EXARC journal Digest needs to be packed and covered in stamps, so it can be sent out to our members. While Magda briefs Stefanie in the office administration, Roeland introduces the various projects that EXARC is involved in.

There are many team members waiting to meet Stefanie at the volunteer day this weekend, and a lot more working on tasks like our EXARC Journal and social media...

Podcast: Seeking Sustainability in South Africa

Meet EXARC member Tammy Hodgskiss from the Origins Centre, Witwatersrand, South Africa. She is in a country with great inequalities and a turbulent history. Tammy gives us valuable insights into the ways that sustainability is viewed and addressed here. Hodgkiss is keen to have the conversation going, with her colleagues and with the public. In her museum, she changes the existing museum displays to get a new context. Suddenly they are relevant again. The Origins Centre is very much a bridge between academia and public. It is quite a challenge to see if the public feels represented. Sustainability here is very much a bottom-up approach, but the larger companies are literally big players as well.

Project meeting in the Dutch Biesbosch

Craft and subsistence in the Late Stone Age is the theme of a four-year project under coordination of Leiden University.

EXARC is among one of the ten other partners. In September, we had the chance to finally meet each other in person, and for this purpose we went to Biesbosch National Park. This is one of the only freshwater tidal wetlands in Northwestern Europe.