Iron Age

Iron Roots/ Zelazne Korzenie – Archaeological Workshops

Organised by
Nature and Technology Museum the Jan Pazdur Ecomuseum in Starachowice (PL)
Starachowice District Authority (PL)

The basin of the Kamienna river has imposed direction of settlement development for thousands of years. The traces of human activity from 10 thousands years ago remained here. The area connected with the settlements from the late stage of the Stone Age received the status of the "Rydno" archaeological reserve.

One-day Scything Course with Chris Hayes


This one-day course is an introduction to the Austrian scythe and the many benefits of using one to manage grass meadows. You will learn how to set up the scythe, to mow comfortably and to sharpen the scythe blade with a whetstone. Bring you own scythe or buy an Austrian scythe on site.

This course will be repeated on 15th June 2019.

Two-day Bow-Making Course with Mike Henderson


Course will cover the art of the bow-making and the use of bows in hunting and warfare. This is a practical hands-on course. Participants will learn to shape and form traditional bows, to make string from natural raw materials. At the end of the course, participants will leave with their very own bow.

(hand tools & materials included)

Crafts of the Past

the Netherlands

During this craft weekend you will discover special historical crafts from earlier times, from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. For example, we light a field oven and a biscuit oven to bake pots, we spin and weave clothing and we forge the most beautiful products. In addition, you can have something cast in tin by our craftswoman. All kinds of crafts that are in danger of being lost.