
Conference Review: Reconstructive & Experimental Archaeology Conference REARC 2019

Cameron Privette (US)
REARC Conferences
***The 9th annual Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology Conference, hosted by the Center for Historic Preservation at the University of Mary Washington and George Washington’s Ferry Farm in Fredericksburg, Virginia, took place between October 25th and 26th...

ASOR: Experimental and Experiential Archaeology Session

Organised by
American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR)(US)

Call for Papers

To those of you doing hands-on experimental work in the field, lab, classroom, or anywhere else please come to ASOR 2020 in Boston and present your work in the "Experimental and Experiential Archaeology" session. I know many of you are doing exciting and interesting things and we'd love to hear about them!

Prehistoric Weekend

Organised by
the Netherlands

The terrain of the "Oertijdpark" entirely belongs to our ancestors this weekend. The ancient people show life in prehistory. The Stone Age, the Iron Age and the Bronze Age come to life. People live, work, eat, do and feel just like they do now. Experience the primeval time, experience the human being who is still in full contact with nature. Feel their dependence, experience their hard work.

Prehistory Weekend

Organised by
the Netherlands

During the Prehistory festival, our Prehistory park is overflowing with prehistoric people. The hunebed builders and their descendants imitate life in prehistoric times. With a group of prehistoric people, the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age are brought to life. Lots of things are going on! People live, work, eat, do and feel, as they did long ago.

Prehistoric Weekend

Organised by
the Netherlands

The terrain of the "Oertijdpark" entirely belongs to our ancestors this weekend. The ancient people show life in prehistory. The Stone Age, the Iron Age and the Bronze Age come to life. People live, work, eat, do and feel just like they do now. Experience the primeval time, experience the human being who is still in full contact with nature. Feel their dependence, experience their hard work.

Textile Weekend

Organised by
the Netherlands

This weekend Archeon is all about textiles, leather and clothing. There are various special demonstrations and activities.

In prehistoric times we weave with vegetable fibers, such as nettle, flax and tree bark. In addition, wool is dyed and we spin and weave with wool. You can also learn how to sprang this weekend. This is the oldest known way of braiding.

Università di Sassari (IT)

Member of EXARC

Research by the Laboratory of Prehistory and Experimental Archaeology (LaPArS – Laboratorio di Preistoria e Archeologia Sperimentale) of the University of Sassari is orientated towards the study of cultural phenomena of recent Prehistory in the Western Mediterranean, with particular attention paid to insular archaeology and Sardinian Prehistory.

Along with scientific objectives, which are its principal purpose, the Laboratorio also serves to supplement the didactic resources of the university, through seminars and outdoor practical activities as well as through workshops. A third aim is to encourage contact between the scientific world and the general public, using methodological approaches such as Public Archaeology and Experimental Archaeology.

European Stone Age Gathering

Organised by
the Netherlands

For the first time, the European Stone Age Gathering will be organised at the Hunebedcentrum. The international festival takes place from July 27 to August 2. During this event, Stone Age enthusiasts from all over Europe come together to live in the Stone Age, to exchange knowledge and experience and to show their skills.