
Prehistoric Feast

Organised by
Samara (FR)

Crafts and everyday life Animations, reconstructions and archaeological experiments related to the evolution of craft techniques.

Entrance fees:
Adult: 15 €
Child: 12.50 €
Family (2 ad + 2 child): 45 €

(De)constructing the Mesolithic. A History of Hut Reconstructions in the Netherlands

Yannick de Raaff (NL)


Creating reconstructions of the past has occupied a central position within the archaeological discipline from its early days (Clark, 2010, p.64). Reconstructions are often considered essential for visualizing the past and for translating abstract archaeological remains into more comprehensible narratives for the larger audience. Such visualisations, in the broad range of the word, can be more easily and readily understood than a complicated textual description.

Hafted Tool-use Experiments with Australian Aboriginal Plant Adhesives: Triodia Spinifex, Xanthorrhoea Grass Tree and Lechenaultia divaricata Mindrie

V. Rots (BE),
E. Hayes (AU),
K. Akerman (AU),
P. Green (AU),
C. Clarkson (AU),
C. Lepers (BE),
L. Bordes (FR),
C. McAdams (AU),
E. Foley (AU) and
R. Fullagar (AU)
Hafted stone tools commonly figure in Australian archaeology but hafting traces and manufacture processes are infrequently studied. The Aboriginal processing of resin from Xanthorrhoea (Sol. Ex Sm.) grass tree, Triodia (R.Br.) spinifex and Lechenaultia divaricata (F.Muell.)...

Health Festival

Organised by
the Netherlands

Beautiful on the inside, beautiful on the outside.

Health and beauty are inextricably linked. People have known that for as long as they exist. This weekend Museumpark Archeon shows how people from prehistory to the 21st century deal with the care and well-being of their body.

ICMAH 2020

Organised by
ICMAH - ICOM Colombia

In the last few years, ICOM and its members have reflected upon the following difficult issues. In 2017 the subject for the international museum day was Contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums, and this year it is going to be Museums for equality: Diversity and Inclusion.

Book Review: Mittelsteinzeit, ein Leben im Paradies? by Werner Pfeifer

Michael Müller (DE)
Considering actual studies about the analysis of ancient DNA is an important question, if only the lifestyle or the population, too, changed when hunter-gatherers became farmers and stockbreeders. The results point so far towards the latter possibility. However, the foragers of the Northern European Ertebølle culture preserved their lifestyle for one millennium, even though they lived in neighboring areas...