Viking Age

Roar Ege: The Lifecycle of a Reconstructed Viking Ship

Tríona Sørensen and
Martin Rodevad Dael (DK)

Roar Ege was launched in 1984, and after more than 30 years on the water, has many sea miles under its keel. The years have, however, taken their toll on the ship. Roar Ege has undergone several major phases of repair – most recently in 2014. It was hoped this repair would keep Roar Ege afloat for several more years but by spring 2016, the ship had deteriorated to such an extent that it was clear that Roar Eges sailing days were over.

Saxons and Vikings - The Dark Ages Society at Butser 

United Kingdom

Travel back to 881 AD and meet Saxons and Vikings. Members of  The Dark Ages Society will be offering a glimpse of life in the 9th  century and an opportunity to explore parts of Saxon and Viking life with socially distanced demonstrations and displays.

Jason Hulott

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
jason [at]
United Kingdom
Crafts & Skills

I have been studying and training in a range of Asian and European traditional martial arts for over 20 years. I run a number of medieval martial combat clubs (looking at combat as a martial art and not a sport) and also interested in earlier period combat of the Greeks and Romans.

Kees Huyser

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
kees [at]
the Netherlands
Crafts & Skills

Since the early '90s of the last century I've been a re-enactor of both the Viking period, and of WW2. In my Viking persona I show kids and their parents what kit a warrior would have, such as a mail shirt, helmet, shield and sword and what the cost of such equipement would be.

Fous d'Histoire Compiègne

Organised by
l’Association pour l’Histoire Vivante (ApHV)

On November 14 and 15, 2020 the 5th edition of Fous d'Histoire Compiègne will take place at Le Tigre, Festival du Spectacle Historique et Marché de l'Histoire, which took over from Fous d'Histoire Pontoise which existed since 2006.

Glass in the Glow


Beads shaped in fire
Opening times: 9:00  - 18:00

The Viking Museum Haithabu invites bead makers from home and abroad this weekend. As soon as they have set up their simple clay ovens in Haithabu, they will form glass beads on an open fire in front of visitors, as they did 1000 years ago in Haithabu.

Autumn Fair in Haithabu


Autumn is fair time in Haithabu! In autumn the last ships return from their long voyages. You move into your winter storage on the city's ship landing. Time for the autumn fair, where goods from distant countries and local products are for sale. A good opportunity to fulfill long-cherished wishes, to supplement the household and to stock up on the last winter supplies ...

Fire Beneath the Dome: Project to Evaluate the Efficiency of Clay Ovens in the Viking Museum Haithabu

Volker Karl Lindenberg (DE)
Visitors to the museum should get an impression of Viking life in Haithabu as vivid as possible – that is why from time to time we heat the clay ovens for baking or cooking (See Figure 1). We noticed that quite high temperatures are reached, but these will decrease again quickly if there is no more fire inside the oven, although it tangibly keeps the warmth for a very long time...