Viking Age

Magic Yule in the Medieval Town of Svargas


According to tradition, Yule lasts 13 nights, which are called the "Nights of the Spirits". These thirteen nights, from the first sunset to the last dawn, are a gap between two years, a sacred period during which there is neither the usual time nor the usual boundaries, when the lot of the gods is decided and the spindle of

Northern Hike


The "Northern Campaign" in the Medieval town of Svargas is an event for boys of different ages and their parents, it will be especially interesting and informative to take on the role of trackers and hikers. Get useful skills for a successful campaign: how to light a fire, how to find landmarks in the area, how to cook a mar

At the Fireplace


Autumn mood in Haithabu - the Vikings are preparing for the quiet season. They do small manual jobs around the open hearth. With great skill, the woodcarver Reinhard Erichsen creates smaller and larger objects for everyday use: knife handles, spoons, children's toys and wooden needles

Vikings on the Prowl


The Viking Museum Haithabu invites you to a hunting weekend on the area near the Viking houses. The fact that the settlers of Haithabu also went hunting is shown by the slaughterhouse waste recovered from the port of Haithabu by archaeologists. Bones of red deer, wild boar and roe deer have been detected. In addition to meat, skins, antlers and sinews were sought-after raw materi

Fous d’Histoire Niort

Organised by
Association pour l'Histoire Vivante

More than 30 professional and amateur companies of historical spectacles take part, divided into several categories: music, dance and song; theater and street performance; animal training and show; crafts and demonstrations; military art; various activities and services; technique and accessories; living history sites.

EXARC Historical Textiles Chat

Organised by
the Netherlands

Join us for the EXARC Textile Chat, where we will be discussing tapestry across the ages. How were they made? Where have they been found? What do they mean? These and other questions will be considered by experts and artisans. All are welcome, no matter the experience or interest level. We meet September 25 at 1500 CET.

With Shield and Epee


Weapons and fighting techniques in the course of time

The discovery of weapons is an inherent part of archeological material. Most of these artifacts were more than just simple tools for hunting or impressive status symbols – they were actually used for disputes. This fact is proved by injuries on skeletal remains, strain patterns on weapons and through historical sources.

EXARC Beer Brewing Chat

Organised by
the Netherlands

For historical-archaeological brewers, we gather for our monthly chat. It is open access and will include links and discussion about craft brewing - you decide what will be on the table! The chat starts at 15:00h CET (Amsterdam time) and may take about 1.5 hours.