Viking Age

Soapstone - Fat Booty


Skillful craftsmen in Haithabu made bowls and pots out of soapstone 1000 years ago, but also amulets and game stones. But what is soapstone anyway and how did it get to Haithabu? How can it be carved? You can experience that here and of course try it out. Soapstone is used to create pendants, talismans and hand flatterers to take with you.

Time: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Department of Archaeology and Sheffield Archaeomaterials, University of Sheffield (UK)

Member of EXARC

Experimental archaeology has been a core research and teaching methodology at Sheffield since the early-1990s. Crossing archaeomaterials and environmental archaeology, experimental investigations are a key component of our work and have offered a multifaceted approach to our research. We integrate experimental methodologies and practice into our taught modules to inform interpretation as part of understanding our past. 

Our research covers a vast number of archaeological periods from prehistory to recent history, working closely with modern practitioners to inform our work in a collaborative environment.

Art in Archaeology Workshop

Organised by
Organised by
United Kingdom

In this workshop you will be given the opportunity to engage with the imagery, iconography and symbolism of archaeological artefacts in a new and unique way. All materials are provided and in this session, you will have the opportunity to choose relevant imagery from the archaeological past to inspire the creation of your own unique art piece.