Viking Age

Priae (FR)

The Research Center for Interpretation and Experimental Archeology (Pôle de recherche, interprétation et archéologie expérimentale, PRIAE) is a international initiative.

Research, interpretation and experimental archeology center - its main objective is to increase the knowledge about the musical practice of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, as we ll as the inventory, study and valuation of artefacts adjoining.

Julian Cuvilliez

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
atelier.skald [at]
Crafts & Skills

Julian Cuvilliez is researcher in Archea-Musicology and reconstruction specialist of European chordophones of the Antiquity and middle ages period. He is founder of the Research Center and Interpretation and Experimental Archaeology.

Viking Week

Organised by

Activities for all ages, meet Vikings from across the world showing their crafts and selling their Viking Age replica goods. Vikings arriving early at Foteviken for the market will use the Viking town as a gathering spot for craftsmen. Here they will exchange knowlegde and teach various crafting techniques.

Open hours: 10-17
Entry hours: 10-16

Book Review: The Bead Maker From Ribe: The Story of a Viking Craftsman by Thomas Risom

Neil Peterson (CA)
Having been involved with experimental work with Viking Era beads for a decade and a half, I am always looking for more information on the topic. Ribe is the most significant beadmaking site of the Viking Era due to its archaeological remains and the museum’s active experimental, interpretative, and craft programs. New material focusing on this site is thus of particular interest, so I was very pleased to get a copy...