Bronze Age

Treewright Weekend

Organised by
United Kingdom

Treewright is a modern translation of the Old English treowwyrhta. The treewright's job was to manage and convert wood into timber, through splitting, hewing and dressing the raw logs using wooden wedges and a variety of specialist axes. 

Event Review: Archäotechnika, the Bronze Age in Brandenburg

E. Giovanna Fregni (IT)
The Archäologisches Landesmuseum in Brandenburg hosted the annual Archäotechnika living history event, during the weekend of 11 to the 13 August 2018. Participants were attired in clothing appropriate to the period and worked in a variety of crafts including metalwork, stone tool production, textiles, salt production, fishnets and traps, textiles and dying, and demonstrations in horsemanship...

Prehistoric & Medieval Culture Fair

Organised by
Cesty archeologie (CZ)
Czech Republic

Food, that magic word. Today it's so easy to get it, just visit the nearest supermarket or restaurant. But how did people eat earlier? What did all the living in the prehistoric and the Middle Ages mean? Tradespoeple from far distant counties go back thousands of years to the Krumpenowe Krupka Village - this time to hold the Pasta past. Come with them to taste their history!

Prehistoric Dressing for Third Millennium Visitors. The Reconstruction of Clothing for an Exhibition in the Liptov Museum in Ruzomberok (Slovakia)

Kristína Urbanová (CZ)
There can be various reasons for reconstructing clothing for museum purposes. The most frequent one, as in the case of this paper, is to improve and liven up an exhibition with 3D models (Hendszel et al., 2008), which present the fashion culture of individual periods, nationalities or specific regional features to the general public...

Experimental Archaeometallurgy of Early-Middle Bronze Age Cyprus: Pilot Experiments of Copper Smelting at Pyrgos-Mavroraki

Marco Romeo Pitone (UK)

Experimental Archaeometallurgy and Pilot Experiments

Experimental archaeology applied to archaeo-metallurgical studies (experimental archaeometallurgy) has revealed itself as an essential tool to verify scholars’ hypotheses on the technological processes involved in ancient metallurgy. Experimental archaeometallurgy is a specialist field within experimental archaeology.

Experimental Archaeology Course

Organised by
Museum of Cannock Chase (UK)
United Kingdom

Join us for a fun, hands-on, informative course about the skills required in experimental archaeology.  The Mesolithic Resource Group will take you through a full programme including shelter, cordage, tools, foraging and much much more.

This ten week course costs £150.  Booking is essential, and are taken for the whole course. £45.00 deposit to secure your place. 

Conference Review: SAA General Session, Experimental Archaeology 2018

Yvette A Marks (UK)
The Society for American Archaeology is, perhaps with the exception of the World Archaeology Congress, the largest meeting of archaeologists in the world. The 2018 annual meeting was held in Washington DC and was attended by approximately 5000 archaeologists. Delegates were primarily from the States, but there was also a good international showing with attendees coming from around the world...

CRAFTER: Reviving Bronze Age Pottery in EU-funded Project

Carlos Velasco and
Miguel Valério (ES)
The CRAFTER project aims at reviving modern-day artisanship by drawing inspiration from pottery traditions of four of the most remarkable Bronze Age societies of Europe: El Argar (south-eastern Spain), Únětice (Central Europe), Füzesabony (eastern Hungary) and Vatin (south Serbia)...