Bronze Age

Archeofest 2019 Metallurgica

Organised by

Archeofest®, the festival of experimental Archaeology conceived and organized by the Cultural Association Paleoes - eXperimentalTech ArcheoDrome, reaches this year its sixth edition in collaboration with Museo delle Civiltà, Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia and the Istituto Centrale per la Demoetnoantropologia.

Yoshinogari Historical Park (JP)

Member of EXARC

At the Yoshinogari Historical Park, visitors experience life in the ancient Yayoi period of Japan's history. Yayoi life and culture come alive through the carefully reconstructed village and unique exhibitions found here. 

The Yoshinogari hills were originally slated for one of Saga Prefecture's industrial areas, but the project was suspended upon discovery of ruins and relics, until further research into the area could be carried out. In 1986, the site was meticulously studied to understand whether it was a truly important cultural site. The concluding result was that this area was one of Japan's largest moat encircled villages dating from the Yayoi period (3c. B.C. - 3c. A.D.).

Posyolok Predkov (RU)

Member of EXARC

The complex of historical reconstructions “Ancestors Village” (Посёлок предков) in the Khakassky State Nature Reserve is unique for Khakassia in its concept and forms of work with visitors. On its territory, right under the open sky, the dwellings of the ancient peoples who once inhabited the territory of modern Khakassia are located.

The copies of dwellings recreated with scientific accuracy belong to different archaeological cultures (Okunevskoj, taštykskoj, tagarskoj, kyrgyz) and, thanks to the realism of their exterior and interior, they literally reflect the traces of ancient civilizations.

CRAFTER: Re-creating Vatin Pottery

Vesna Vučković and
Dejan Jovanović (RS)
An attempt to re-create pottery of the Vatin culture has been made within the Crafter project (Crafting Europe in the Bronze Age and Today), whose aim is to help revive modern-day artisanship by drawing inspiration from Bronze Age pottery of four European Bronze Age societies: El Argar (Spain), Únětice (Central Europe), Füzesabony (eastern Hungary) and Vatin (Serbia)...

Workshop: understand Prehistory through Experimental Archaeology and Dissemination

Organised by
Organised by

On 24th and 25th November 2018 will be held at the "Torre dei Guardiani" visit center in the Alta Murgia National Park in Ruvo di Puglia (Bari), the dissemination course called "understand Prehistory through Experimental Archaeology and Dissemination".

Domenico Lorusso

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
terraealtamurgia [at]

Since 1989 I have dealt with environmental education, organizing workshops and guided tours and naturalistic especially in the territory of the Alta Murgia National Park and in the major natural areas of Puglia, collaborating with schools, facilities for professional training, cultural circles, U

Conference Review: 2018 EXAR Tagung in Unteruhldingen (DE)

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
For the annual Tagung (conference), about 120 people convened in the southernmost point of Germany, at Lake Constance, near the borders of Switzerland and Austria. This conference is the perfect networking event for experimental archaeology in the German spoken part of Europe. Out of the 27 lectures, 25 were presented in German. The strength, but also its weakness, of the conference is that anything goes...

Prehistoric Potters gather in Mula (Spain)

Organised by
Friends Association of the Archaeological Site of La Bastida (ASBA)(ES)
the Mula Town Hall

Artisans and archaeologists meet in Spain to bring back prehistoric pottery

In the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, artisans and archaeologists meet in the Spanish city of Mula to think up new cultural products inspired on prehistoric ceramic vessels.