Bronze Age

Vegetable Plaiting Materials from the Site of Abu Tbeirah (Southern Iraq, Third Millennium BC): Experimental Approach

Maria Virginia Montorfani (IT)
This study is based on plaiting materials from Abu Tbeirah, Iraq, with a particular attention to baskets and reed mats. The study focuses on the various raw materials used, on diverse plating techniques and tries to understand possible uses of these artefacts in their context. The research has been developed with an experimental approach, based on archaeological and ethnographic sources...

The Question of Fuel for Cooking in Ancient Egypt and Sudan

J. Budka,
C. Geiger,
P. Heindl,
V. Hinterhuber (DE) and
H. Reschreiter (AT)
Little is known about the actual cooking processes and in particular fuel-related activities in Egypt and Northern Sudan (Nubia) in antiquity, especially during the Bronze Age. Considering that wood was, in general, rare along the Nile valley and therefore an expensive raw material, animal dung was tested in 2018 by means of...

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (ES)

Member of EXARC

Though only  less more  than 50 years old, the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) has already consolidated itself amongst the 200 best universities in the world within the main university rankings and is located within the top 10 new universities with greatest international projection and prestige.

Though only  less more  than 50 years old, the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) has already consolidated itself amongst the 200 best universities in the world within the main university rankings and is located within the top 10 new universities with greatest international projection and prestige...

Archeopark dell’Etna (IT)

Member of EXARC

The Archeopark Etna is the first real-life prehistoric interactive village reconstructed in Sicily on the basis of archaeological documentation obtained in Sicily, in particular Etna, and experimentations in the field of lithic, textile, ceramic and agricultural crafts. A dynamic educational park, open to the public and schools, aiming to demonstrate the millenarian bond of people with the territory by means of an experiential path.

In a hut daily activities are reproduced: spinning, weaving, milling of cereals, wining of vegetable fibers, working of clay, decorative painting by crushing natural pigments, processing of animal bones and wood to make ornaments and tools of various kinds; a large sampling of vases faithfully reproduced according to ancient methods is shown.

ASOR session on Experimental Archaeology

Organised by

Anyone interested in coming to San Diego, CA in November to talk about their work? There will be an Experimental and Experiential Archaeology session at this year's ASOR Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Nov. 20-23, 2019. ASOR is about the Near East and wider Mediterranean world, from the earliest times

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2018

Stefanie Ulrich (UK)
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***Like the previous issues, this periodical (Jahrbuch) is published by Gunter Schöbel and the European Association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment e. V. (Europäische Vereinigung zur Förderung der Experimentellen Archäologie) in collaboration with the Pfahlbaummuseum Unteruhldingen...

Event Review: The Second Annual Vounous Terracotta Symposium

E. Giovanna Fregni (IT)
Rauf Ersenal has hiked through the mountains of North Cyprus for years, searching for the rare clays that have been used to make pottery there for millennia. The most prized colours of these clays produce a soft green that is the colour of fresh olives, the bright red of terra sigiliata, and another clay that creates a true black...

Moscow Ethnographic Society (RU)

MES -  Московское этнографическое общество (under supervision of its founder Yury Gabrov) researches in ethnology and anthropology, gives lectures in various related fields. We organize public or private events, such as living history, demonstrating and teaching traditional knowledge and techniques (in cooking, arts, crafts, music, weaponry and economy) from the Stone Age onwards. We unite people who do the same, share our experience in conferences, publications and social media. Usually festivals is our thing.

Our projects include: