
Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Zeiteninsel (DE)

Member of EXARC

The "Zeiteninsel" is an Archaeological Open-Air Museum situated in Weimar-Argenstein near Marburg. The museum is under construction since 2010, although erecting of buildings started in 2017.

The "Zeiteninsel" is an Archaeological Open-Air Museum situated in Weimar-Argenstein near Marburg. The museum is under construction since 2010, although erecting of buildings started in 2017.

Event Review: the Stone Age in a Space Cruiser

Wulf Hein (DE)
The Jeongok Prehistory Museum in South Korea. Like a stranded UFO the building is settled between the hills at a river, the sun reflects off the metal outer skin. Standing in the entrance area, you feel as though you are in a film by Stanley Kubrick, but as you pass through into the structure it is a surprise to find yourself outside in the middle of the African savannah...

Kalòs - l’Archeodromo del Salento (IT)

Member of EXARC

Archeodromo Kalòs is a vast landscape park themed with experimental archaeology. It was founded by Meridies. They present a mixture of history and art and offer a journey to the origins of this region: the Messapi, Greeks and Romans, "in a place where nature and myth merge."

How many times we happen to think about what life was like when electricity, water and communications were not at hand? Would you like to take a step back in time? Today you can. The path runs from prehistory to the Middle Ages.

IRM - International Reenactmentmarket

Organised by
RömerWelt am Caput Limitis (DE)

On April 25th and 26th 2020 the international re-enactment fair IRM2020 will take place for the first time in RömerWelt at the caput limitis in Rheinbrohl. On both days from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm three dozen exhibitors present handcrafted replicas and equipment for living history and re-enactment from the Stone Age to the 19th Century AD.

A Field Trip to the Ukraine, April 2010

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
In April 2010, a conference took place at Olevsk, which was a good occasion to go to Kyiv and meet Dr Andrey Petrauskas of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the plans for reconstructions at three archaeological sites, to set it in perspective of other reconstructions elsewhere...