Roman Era

Conference Review: 2018 EXAR Tagung in Unteruhldingen (DE)

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
For the annual Tagung (conference), about 120 people convened in the southernmost point of Germany, at Lake Constance, near the borders of Switzerland and Austria. This conference is the perfect networking event for experimental archaeology in the German spoken part of Europe. Out of the 27 lectures, 25 were presented in German. The strength, but also its weakness, of the conference is that anything goes...

Interested in Re-enacting in Greece?

Organised by
Christian Cameron

The author Christian Cameron has organised two gatherings at the site of the Battle of Marathon, and is organising a third multinational event at Plataea, on the site of the battle of 479 B.C. This truly is a very special experience for all involved. But it takes some planning.

Miglena Raykovska PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
miglena.raykovska [at]
Crafts & Skills

My passion for the world heritage has shaped my professional and educational history. I hold a Master’s degree in Architecture and a PhD degree in Archaeology, a professional diploma in the Preservation of the Immovable Cultural Heritage and I am also a professional photographer.

Gourmet weekend “Vinalia” on ancient wine and cuisine


As a major event at the “Musée gallo-romain de Saint-Romain-en-Gal – Vienne,” “Vinalia, a celebration of ancient wine and cuisine,” illustrates the research in experimental archaeology. Come to enjoy a unique one-day experience, and discover the pleasures of wine, good food, and ancient culinary arts.

Treewright Weekend

Organised by
United Kingdom

Treewright is a modern translation of the Old English treowwyrhta. The treewright's job was to manage and convert wood into timber, through splitting, hewing and dressing the raw logs using wooden wedges and a variety of specialist axes. 

Prehistoric & Medieval Culture Fair

Organised by
Cesty archeologie (CZ)
Czech Republic

Food, that magic word. Today it's so easy to get it, just visit the nearest supermarket or restaurant. But how did people eat earlier? What did all the living in the prehistoric and the Middle Ages mean? Tradespoeple from far distant counties go back thousands of years to the Krumpenowe Krupka Village - this time to hold the Pasta past. Come with them to taste their history!

Conference Review: TRAC, a Place for an Experiment in Roman Studies 2018

Lee Graña (UK)
The annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC) took place from the 11th to the 15th of April 2018 alongside the biannual Roman Archaeology Conference (RAC) at the University of Edinburgh. As the title suggests, the underlying objective of this workshop was to re-examine the role of experimental archaeology in Roman studies...