Late Middle Ages

Sofia Pinto Correia

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
sofiapintocorreia [at]

Since 2016, Sofia works in experimental archaeology and living history, with textile research or recreating historical clothing, especially in the Medieval Iberian Peninsula and Europe, accepting costume commissions for reenactment and other events, guiding workshops about these subjects and part

How to Make a Medieval Town Come Alive – the Use of Volunteers in Living History

Pia Bach and
Thit Birk Petersen (DK)
2018 EXARC in Kernave
***For over 25 years The Medieval Centre/Middelaldercentret in Nykøbing F. Denmark has used volunteers to inhabit the reconstructed medieval town of Sundkøbing. To combine the use of volunteers and living history is not easy or something that happens spontaneously. It is hard work and requires patience, strength and firmness, but also...

Archäologisches Landesmuseum Brandenburg (DE)

Member of EXARC

The Brandenburg State Authorities for Heritage Management and State Museum of Archaeology (BLDAM) is a state authority established by and directly supervised by the Brandenburg State Ministry of Culture and Science.

The mission of the BLDAM is the fulfilment of the public service remit for preservation and dissemination of the archaeological and historical heritage of the federal state of Brandenburg.

Re-opened in 2008 the State Museum of Archaeology is an extracurricular place of learning and the most important cultural ambassador of the state Brandenburg.
It presents the 130 000 years old history of the state in an innovative, interactive and modern exhibition. 

Loncarski Center Bahor, zavod za razvoj in promocijo loncarstva (SI)

We are a pottery center and part of our activities is dealing with replicas. We provide researches of ancient pottery techniques and use of the ceramic items. We are a nonprofit private institution.

Pottery Center Bahor, Institute for the Development and Promotion of Pottery - we have a unique place, an outdoor place where we build replicas prehistoric kilns. We work with students of Archeology Faculty of Ljubljana- to provide practice on ceramic themes. Our team uses the facilities to offering a wide diversity of courses on material culture, ancient technology, and experimental archaeology, but not only for adults- we have a lot of schools, pupils to work with.



Last year we began our season with a pilgrimage – it was a succes so we are planning another one this year!
Many heard about the big holy pilgrimage paths as Santiago De Compostella and of course Rome and Jerusalem. But there was a lot of other places, also in Denmark, where you could make your pilgrimage to.

Anita Radini PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
anita.radini [at]
United Kingdom

I am an archaeological scientist interested in ancient labour division in past and traditional societies. I study the impact on health of ancient crafting activities. I am particularly interested in 'dusty' crafts such (as pottery, pigments, dyes making, textile production).

Book Review: A Handbook for Men's Clothing of the Late 15th Century by Anna Malmborg & Willhelm Schütz

Jens Börner (DE)
Although there is a wide variety of publications about costume history and of single archaeological sites with textile remains of period clothing, the number of books that interdisciplinarily cover the fashion of past eras in the context of different source categories is, frankly, really small. Some attempts to draw a complete image of medieval fashion simply fail just because of the scale of it; others try to...



Our craftspeople will stoke the lime kiln until the iron doors bend. These days, 20 sterling firewood, many diligent hands, and countless liters of sweat turn 2.2 tons of limestone into about 1.5 tons of quicklime.