Newest Era

John W. Kiernan MA

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
johnwkiernan [at]
Crafts & Skills

I found my first projectile point on our ranch on the High Plains of Eastern Colorado when I was eight years old thus igniting a passion that continues today. I spent 24 years in military service before retiring in 2011.

A Course in Experiential Archaeology at an Archeopark as a Part of Active University Education

V. Mikešová and
D. Maršálek (CZ)
As with any other science, archaeology constantly adopts new methods and trends over time. University education in the field can be very helpful advancing sciences in every country. This type of education influences the early stages of future top scientists and forms their future careers. Therefore, education should reflect not only scientific innovations but also innovative educational methods...

Book Review: Management of Open-Air Museums. Workpackage 2: “Improvement of Museum Management” by Jakobsen, B & Burrow, S (eds).

Paul Edward Montgomery (UK)
The five year OpenArch project concluded in 2015. It was an effort to create a permanent partnership between Archaeological Open-Air Museums (or, AOAMs) in Europe. The project saw eleven participating organisations come together to – among other objectives – produce work packages that would be accessible to people with an interest in the workings of AOAMs...

Obituary: Steve Watts (25 July 1947 - 21 March 2016)

Doug Meyer (US)
I first met Steve in the summer of 1990. I was a student at University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) following a summer course in anthropology called Southeastern Indians. The course included several field trips, one of which was to the Schiele Museum where we visited the Catawba Village and listened to a presentation by Steve Watts...

High Tech for the Stone Age – iBeacons in Open-Air Museums

Ulrike Kroll and
Rüdiger Kelm (DE)
Over the last few years, a lot of different digital communication technologies for the transfer / transmission of audio-visual informations have been developed, some very sophisticated, some very complicated (and expensive) and in recent times mostly based on applications for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets...

Living History as an Instrument for Historical and Cultural Exchange in German Archaeological Open-Air Museums: an Online Survey Defines Present Status

Tatjana Meder,
Jana Seipelt and
Sabrina Slanitz (DE)

In Germany, for several years now it has become increasingly significant as a means of reflecting the cultural exchange of archaeological open-air museums, as well as in scientific discussions and interdisciplinary meetings

Ovahimba living museum (NA)

Member of EXARC

The Ovahimba Living Museum is a place where you can interactively experience the traditional culture of the Ovahimba. The Museum acts as a traditional school for guests and for the children of the own community alike and at the same time it is an income generating institution.

The Museum is strategically located between the Ovahimba capital Opuwo and the paradisiac Epupa Falls at the Kunene River in the north of Namibia.

V Congreso Internacional de Arqueologia Experimental

Organised by
Organised by
Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)
Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC)
Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC)

We are delighted to announce that the Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), the Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), the Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC) and the EXPERIMENTA Association will organize the V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology in Tarragona on 25, 26 and 27 October 2017.

Book Review: Heritage Tourism Destinations by Maria D Alvarez (et al.)

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
This book is a follow-up from the first Hospitality, Tourism and Heritage International Conference, held in Istanbul, Turkey from the 6th to the-7th November 2014. It is wonderful that these papers were published only two years later. This book’s goal is to cross the bridge between theory and conceptual reflections...