© EXARC, 2008
ISBN 13: 978-90-78657-01-9
Size: A4, 72 pages
Archaeologists often ask themselves: What was this for or, how did they do that? While we cannot give absolute answers, experimental archaeology can help us to test theoretical hypotheses. For example, could that strange wooden platform have been used to drive piles into lake sediment (Menotti – Pranckenaite, page 3) or how did people create the geometric designs decorating so much pottery (Lamina, page 15).
What do we do with the information we gain, how do we pass it on to others or attempt to attract those who would not normally go to a museum? In truth, there is a wide range of possibilities. It is possible to present archaeological fi nds in situ (Jančo, page 27) or organise regular open days and tours for the public (Timoney, page 8). Following the dictum ‘catch them young’ museums can organize special programs for schools (Wunderli, page 9) and of course we must not forget the archaeological open-air museums, where further research goes hand in hand with educational activities (Forrest, page 33).
Whatever the questions you wish to ask enjoy the possible answers within this issue of EuroREA.
In the fifth issue (all articles are available as PDF):
Lake-dwelling building techniques in prehistory: driving wooden piles into lacustrine sediments (PDF)
STUDIES - Francesco Menotti, Elena Pranckenaite (IT / LT)
Exploring Perthshire Past (PDF)
EDUCATION - Steven Timoney (UK)
Mit Schulklassen ins Museum (PDF)
EDUCATION - Marlise Wunderli (CH)
Early Medieval Walls and Roofs: a case study in interrogative excavation (PDF)
ITEMS - ESF/Martin Millett (UK)
Application of a Set of Avian Bones for Reproduction of Prehistoric Geometric Designs (PDF)
ITEMS - Eva Lamina (RU / US)
Destruction Mechanisms of a Sunken Floored House (PDF)
ITEMS - Jiří Waldhauser (CZ)
La construction d’un grenier surélevé d’apres les données archéologiques d’un habitat du haut Moyen Âge (PDF)
ITEMS - Aurélia Alligri (FR)
Centres of Historical Towns as Open-Air Museums (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Milan Jančo (CZ)
Interaction between experimental archaeology and folklore - Latvian example (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Ieva Pigozne-Brinkmane (LV)
Linking Experimental Archaeology and Living History in the Heritage Industry (PDF) and Full version (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Carolyn Forrest (SC)
Stone Age on Air: A successful „living science“ programme on German television (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Karola Müller (DE)
Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2007 (PDF)
REPORTS - Marion Green (US)
The Algaba project in Ronda: an integrated approach to experimental archaeology (PDF)
REPORTS - Maria Sánchez Elena, Juan Terroba Valadez, Francisco Moreno Jiménez, David García González, Maria Fernández de Heredia Hernández, Francisca Perena Huertas, Patricia Ojeda Durán (ES)
Successful meeting for the liveARCH project in the Lofoten Islands, northern Norway. Included liveARCH in Italy: A Guide and a Conference on Archaeological Open Air Museums (PDF)
REPORTS - Geir Are Johansen (NO)
The history of Lofotr Viking museum (PDF)
REPORTS - Julie Sæther (NO)
Léonce Demarez – Une vie pour l’archéologie (PDF)
INTERVIEW - Radomír Tichý, Hana Dohnálková (CZ)
EXARC Meeting in Denmark (PDF)
REPORTS - Peter Vemming (DK)
Workshops zur Experimentellen Archäo-Ethnografie (PDF)
REPORTS - Antonio Affuso, Salvatore Bianco, Vito Antonio Baglivo, Annibale Formica, Marta Golin, Ada Preite (IT)
Reviews (PDF)
Iron Age Houses in Flames
Colourfull Fabrics and Shining Metal
Replicating the past
Which Past, Whose Future?
Timewatch: Viking Voyage
The Building of The Green Valley