EuroREA 1/2004

© EXREA / EXARC, 2004
ISSN: 1214-9551; ISBN: 80-239-5559-4
Size: A5, 212 pages

It was in the year 2000, an active Czech network (Society for Experimental Archaeology SEA) first published a yearbook on (re)construction and experiment in archaeology. In the same year, elsewhere in Europe, first steps were made towards forming EXARC, an international – European – network on Experimental archaeology, archaeological open-air museums, education and living history used in these centres. Almost 5 years have passed now and the different museums, organisations and individuals working with these themes have had a fruitful cooperation, both locally and internationally.

The Czech yearbook of SEA became more and more wanted by other Europeans, but the information was mostly inaccessible – even though articles were summarised in 3 languages and published on the Internet. Ever more foreign contributors found their way to publish in the Czech Republic, but the need was felt for serving the larger public. As – up to this moment – there is no good alternative accessible to all European colleagues, the idea took shape to “go European”.

EXARC – the second partner in this cooperation – actually is a network of about 35 members across 15 countries. Started as a grass root movement, EXARC is fostering quality in archaeological presentations in open-air centres. Over the past years, EXARC grew from being an informal network to an established platform. It is in this development; new communications like this yearbook are a great step forward.

Both SEA & EXARC are proud of setting up a new mouthpiece for those working in the fields of (re)construction and experiment in archaeology. We share the need to inform, to counter the isolation of our activities and consequently to not reinvent the Wheel time and time again.

In the past, many articles on these subjects were published scattered across different archaeological journals or other channels. A fast count delivers more than 6,200 titles. We hope, this yearbook will channel the interest of those involved in experimental archaeology and education in the field, at universities, open-air museums, living history groups et cetera. EuroREA is not meant for specialists only but for anybody interested in prehistory and the Middle Ages.

In the first issue (all articles are available as PDF):

Problems of Measuring Physical Performance in Experimental Archaeology (PDF)
STUDIES - Marek Štepán, Society for Experimental Archaeology, Hradec Králové (CZ)

Experimental Pottery Firing in Closed Firing Devices from the Neolithic – Hallstatt Period in Central Europe (PDF)
STUDIES - Richard Thér, Society for Experimental Archaeology (CZ)

Experiments on pottery manufacture (PDF)
ITEMS - Felix Adrian, Tencariu (RO)

Two burnt-down houses examined (PDF)
ITEMS - J. P. Flamman Vestigia (NL)

Le Collier de la Dame de Chamblandes (PDF)
ITEMS - Paulette Pauc (FR), Patrick Moinat (CH), Jacques Reinhard (CH)

“I’ll never be the same again!” Inspiring a passion for the past
by working with young people out of school (PDF)

EDUCATION - Towse Harrison, Sun Jester - Consultants for Lifelong Learning, Historical Interpretation and Community Arts (UK)

The Project ‘Window on the Past’ (PDF)
EDUCATION - Markéta Vaněčková, Villa Nova (CZ)

Educational Introduction to the Historical Workshops in Denmark (PDF)
EDUCATION - Jørgen Bay, Skoletjeneste (DK)

Mock-up Presentation of the Gate Tower to the Hill Fort at Liptovská Mara (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Oto Makýš Department of Building Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava (SK)

On the responsibilities of accurately interpreting prehistoric life in full scale (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Gunter Schöbel, museum director Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (DE)

The MA in Experimental Archaeology at the University of Exeter Becomes More Established (PDF)
REPORTS - Alan K. Outram Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter (UK)

Project Delphi (PDF)
REPORTS - Drs. Miriam de Boer (NL)

Archaeopark Liboc
Origins and Conception of one Educational Project (PDF)

REPORTS - Michal Bureš ARCHAIA; Pavel Vařeka Západočeská univerzita v Plzni (CZ)

Virtually the Ice Age (PDF)
REVIEWS - Kathy Fox and Heidi Hollis graduates of the MA
in Archaeology for Screen Media, Bristol University (UK)

Rebuilding the Past: A Roman Villa by Dai Morgan Evans (PDF)
REVIEWS - J. Katerina Dvoráková (UK)

It takes two - Publishing Proceedings on experimental archaeology (PDF)
REVIEWS - Roeland P. Paardekooper
Historisch Openluchtmuseum Eindhoven (NL)

Please find below the articles from this issue, which are available as HTML.

Reviewed Articles

Mock-up Presentation of the Gate Tower to the Hill Fort at Liptovská Mara

Oto Makýš (SK)

The author (Dr Oto Makýš from Department of Building Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia) discusses the importance of including maintenance costs while planning an experimental construction based on the example of Lip­tov­­­­ská Mara...